
What a wonderful, gorgeous thing to wake up to this morning!!!

15 Responses to “SNOW!!!!!!!!”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Beautiful! We had about 2″ of snow here last week, but it melted off in a day or so. Today, it’s just cold, with a lot of frost.

  2. DAMN your eyes, BINGLEY!!!

  3. Dave J says:

    Same here. 🙂

  4. Cindermutha says:

    Oh so preeetty! In pictures, not in person. I like snow as long can get away from it before its time to shovel.

  5. Suzette says:

    Pee-pul just don’t understand that one of the true pleasures in life is to be inside, warm and cozy, while snow falls.

  6. Indeed, Suzette. ::sigh:: That’s my idea of heaven on earth. And where do I live? It’s 78 degrees and 89% humidity here right this minute.
    DAMN your EYES, BINGLEY!!!

  7. Cindermutha says:

    There’s nothing like the beautiful silence when the snow falls. It’s just that I can’t walk in it with flip flops. Yes. I tried. I don’t recommend it.

  8. Tainted Bill says:

    I was surprised when I opened the blinds this morning. I couldn’t wait to bring Thunder outside and let him romp around in the snow.

  9. WunderKraut says:

    What the hell is that white stuff all over the trees?

  10. John says:

    THS – I’ll trade you houses. I HATE this stuff. There is a line I set at the northern border of Georgia. Every time I hve to shovel, that line goes one mile farther South. That’s the line I won’t retire North of. Pretty soon Florida is going to be my only option.

  11. In a HEARTbeat, John! And I’ll even let you back in the door when hurricanes chase you out. {8^P

  12. Mr. Bingley says:

    Snow snow snow, oh I love snow.
    5-7″ forecast for tonight! 🙂

  13. Kcruella says:

    I will gladly trade 75 and humid for the stuff falling right now. Can’t wait to dig the car out and slide into work in the morning. Wahoo

  14. red says:

    No matter how old I get – I still feel a thrill when I wake up to “new fallen snow”. Beautiful picture!

  15. Mr. Bingley says:

    Thanks red! That’s the advantage of having trees right outside the front door of the house. We had another 5″ this morning. Yippee!
    Made it a rather sloppy drive to the ferry, though…

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