The Travesty in This Picture?
On the right’s an appealing 16 year old.
With 4 ~ count ’em! ~ FOUR pairs of $500 (yes, fivehunnertdollah) jeans in her arms.
Even if she buys a pair, there is something just so wrong with that.
Or am I jealous? Is it just me?
It’s not just you. I find it hard to understand how a pair of denim pants costs so much. Heck, I squawk when they cost more than $30! Unless the buttons and rivets are made of gold.
Sheesh. She’s carrying the price of a semester of college books there. Talk about throwing Susan B. Anthonys’ down the drain by the handful.
If any kid of mine asks for something like this, I will consider myself a failure.
Wow. Two jeans would pay my rent… well, almost. Even if I had the money, I would just go buy guy Levis. And then a better house. I don’t care if my butt is as flat as a highway in Kansas.
Bill Cosby rocks. His line on The Cosby Show when Theo wanted to buy a $95 shirt: “I don’t have a $95 shirt, and I have a job!”
And I’ve never paid $500 for a freakin’ suit!
Gave you guys a shout-out at the Hive on this. Turns out my reply just got too long for the comments. (Sorry for the thread-jack.)
Hell, Nightfly, mine was even longer than that.
Seeds of our Demise
(To steal a line from Andrea and a link from Sis who has a problem with capitalization. And just before I hit the save button for this I notice that Nightfly rips on it too.) WARNING: BAD LANGUAGE AHEAD…
You’re proud yours is longer than a fly’s Ken?
Sounds like he needs a pair of $500 ‘mine’s-bigger-than-yours’ jeans to me!
Looks like I should be making jeans.
Seriously I worked for Levis, I would take standard jeans, put a different pattern on the back pocket and come up with a clever name and mark them up 1000%.
A fool and his money are soon parted. For sure.
and a link from Sis who has a problem with capitalization
(and you too, he who has been quietly renamed furtum ex tenebris…)
As I said elsewhere, for $500 they not only better get the butt right but attract some righteous tail.
“NoBrainer Jeans” for $350.00
Dude, you’d sell millions.
get the butt right but attract some righteous tail
Sniff. Um ehrlich zu sein, ich hatte von dir auch gar nichts anderes erwartet.
Du auch bist ein berliner?
Ken mochtet die frauen mit die kleine sitzen und die grossen titzen.
German humor is so . . . .
Well, “funny” isn’t quite the right word. 🙂
I think it’s awesome that someone has found a way to make that much money off of some denim. I wish you told me the brand name. I might want to copy their business model!
Doensnt wie allen.
Mike, fur brande nammes, getten zie hier. Ich bin linkenwhoren.
Ich ähnele dieser Anmerkung, danke.
(Guten Tag, Mike! Wie geht’s?)
Herr Summers ist der Klugscheißer von den Verbindungen, nicht wahr?
Ich ähnele dieser Anmerkung, danke.
“I’ll anal these americans, thanks!”
Ah, german humor at its finest…
Fahrfergnugen, baby, fahrfergnugen.
Which reminds me, my kids rather like the German word for the exit to a parking garage. But they were young.
I love a theme
It’s German Day at the Coalition! S’funny, you’d think someone who call himself “Wunderkraut” wouldn’t be such a stickischer int der mudden….
A big hit in 8th grade german class was conjugating the verb “fahren” (to drive)
ich fahre
du fahrst
er fahrt…
‘Now shay doesn’t!’
Eliza Dolittle