What I Drank Last Night

I love Zins. I adore Zins. So I’m always on the lookout for new Zins to try, especially in the $13 or so-ish price range. Sure, some of us can plunk down 30 clams with out blinking an eye, and I certainly have a few muy caro bottles, but for, say we say, every day drinking that simply ain’t an option. This is why I’m so fond of aussie Shiraz, where you get great big jammy wines for under $20 pretty consistantly.
Anyhow, I’ve been trolling the Zin Bin at the Evil Clown looking to see what jewels I could discover, and I came across this Clos du Bois Zin and I thought I’d give it a try. It was $12.99.
Well, if you are a fan of big Zins, this isn’t for you. It’s frankly one of the most un-Zin like Zins I’ve ever had. It is a soft, thinnish sort of wine that frankly tastes like a merlot, albeit a pretty decent one. With Zins I want/like big gobs of jam, a fair bit of spice and cedar, and by gum darn near 15% alcohol. This falls short on all accounts. Don’t get me wrong, it is a pleasant-drinking enough wine…but it’s not a Zin with a capital “Z”.

5 Responses to “What I Drank Last Night”

  1. The few times I’ve had French wines I’ve been disappointed. I tend to stick to California or Australian wines.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    In spite of it’s froggy name this is a Californian wine.
    As far as froggy wines go, I’ve certainly been disappointed many times, especially when I spend a bit on a burgundy. I just can’t remember the names of the decent wines. The super-expensive ones I can remember, the decent ones, no. And that leads to a lot of $30 mistakes, which tends to annoy one relatively quickly. But I can say I haven’t bought a froggy wine for a good 5 years. It’s all Aussies for me, with some decent Californians thrown in.
    I support the Coalition of the Swilling!

  3. Oh — when I put that comment up I could swear there was another picture there of a wine where I could read the label saying “product of France.” Maybe I didn’t look closely enough — my leg and foot hurt and it’s kind of messing with my concentration.

  4. Dave J says:

    Zinfandel that tastes like merlot?! Tragic. Criminal. My mind reels in horror.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Well, the horror was lessened somewhat by it only being $13. And alcoholic.

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