Word of the Day
turophile \TOOR-uh-fyle\ noun
: a connoisseur of cheese : a cheese fancier
turophile \TOOR-uh-fyle\ noun
: a connoisseur of cheese : a cheese fancier
Littrachure | Crusader | July 12, 2005 4:10 pm
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Yum…I have some lovely Wensleydale with cranberries at home…yumyumyum.
Surrender Monkey!
it’s ok to eat an English cheese!
As long as it’s not “American cheese,” which is, you know, not really cheese. I’m ashamed to say I was actually addicted to the stuff…admittedly, that was when I was eight years old.
We’re glad that you’re comfortable enough with us now for these astonishing confessionals, Dave.
We’re here.
For you.
Stilton, by the by.
Well, american cheese is far above that staple of midwest cuisine…cheezwhiz.
M-m-m-m-m… CHEESE!
That was my Homer impression.
Did it translate well?
I understood it, in between cheese and cracker crunching. {8^P
(God, I love that stuff. Do you realize just how deprived we were as children?? No Velveeta, no CheeseWhiz, DAMN!)
Yup, the food of the goods. Tho I am partial to a twangy extra-sharp chedde.
the food of the goods?
heheh, that’s pretty …good
I shouldn’t reveal this, but a certain cheese snob with whom I live has been known to eat several helpings of a casserole of secret Midwestern origin, containing the dreaded Cheez Wiz.
(gasp !!)
The man who does not cheerfully consume what his beloved bride places before him is not long for this world.
What a weasel. Wheeze-el. Whiz-el.
All of the above.