I have said this for years…

but the R’s need a Condi/JC Watts ticket for ’08. This makes me even more convinced that it would cause apoplectic fits in the left. A small snippet:

Republicans in Congress are spending like profligates with no tomorrow. The freshman senator from my home state of Oklahoma, Dr. Tom Coburn, recently assumed the role of skunk at the garden party when he inquired about a quarter of a billion dollar bridge to nowhere in Alaska, and had the temerity to suggest that money could be used to rebuild several real bridges to somewhere in Louisiana and Mississippi.

I doubt it will happen, but a guy can dream. Condi has the knowledge and talent for the international events, JC has the experience with Congress to hopefully convince them to quit spending like D’s. Both ar outstanding speakers. (Of course I would have to buy a bunch of RJ Nabisco stock before the campaign started, so I could retire young.)

Sandy Hook, 6:10am, November 3rd 2005

Kinda peaceful and nice.

Word of the Day

catachresis \kat-uh-KREE-sis\ noun
*1 : use of the wrong word for the context
2 : use of a forced and especially paradoxical figure of speech

Example sentence:
The paper printed a correction for the previous day’s catachresis: dubbing a local artist-philanthropist a “socialist” when they meant “socialite.”

I find myself calling Bingley a “fascist” when I meant to say “fathead”, so this has some relevance.

Why Not?

FBI: Muslims detained at stadium weren’t profiled

EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey (AP) — Five Muslim football fans were detained and questioned during a game at Giants Stadium because they were congregating near an air duct on a night former President Bush was in the stadium, the FBI said Wednesday.
Some of the Muslims said they did not know they were in a sensitive area, and they complained that they were subjected to racial profiling while they were praying, as their faith requires five times a day.

First off, once again there is this seeming conflation of ‘race’ and ‘religion’, which drives me nuts to no end. Secondly, a bunch of RoPers getting together in a packed stadium where a former President of the US was? Hello?
Anyone congregating there should have been detained and questioned, as these folks were, but, sorry, especially RoPers. Too many things have exploded in their wakes around the world of late.

“We do not profile anyone that comes into our arena, stadium or racetrack on any basis,” said George Zoffinger, president of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority, which operates the stadium. “There was no profiling of our customers. I want to make that clear.”

I’d feel safer if you did.

Mommy Knows Worst

The Insta-Wife reviews Lileks’ newest book, and I agree with her:

…However, this is not to say that the baby boomer’s children are without their own problems. Yes, we have learned from yesterday’s mistakes in areas like proper sun exposure and showing parental affection. But as a psychologist specializing in adolescents, I have seen the pendulum swing too far in the opposite direction with some current child raising fads.
…What I learned from Lileks’ interesting and entertaining book is that moderation is the key in child rearing and, sometimes, it is best to trust our own instincts. Experts are there to help but Lileks reminds us that they are human and make mistakes, too. Mommy Knows Worst is a great read for those who wonder if child rearing was always this hard. Apparently, the answer is “yes.”

The Cult of Self Esteem is our generation’s horrible fad that we are inflicting on our kids.

We Are So Proud of Him, Our Marine

We had to let him know. Had to make sure his family knew what his life and their God awful sacrifice meant. Little knots of us ~ five, ten, fifteen strong ~ lined the miles from the funeral home to the gates of NAS Pensacola. So many strangers, all with the same aching heart. The strangers with red eyed, tear streaked faces who nodded at us through car windows, tissues pressed to their mouths, as the miles long procession rolled quietly on by.

Strangers on street corners and sidewalks. I met Frances, who helped me hold my ratty flag. She was there on her birthday with her very gentlemanly husband. Their son Gary, a Vietnam Marine, rode the one motorcycle in the unending line of cars; the Marine Corps flag flying proudly from his handlebars. There was the dad who made sure his son was with him, complete with red, white and blue bandana flags. “It’s hard to find little flags this time of year”, he said. “We had these bandanas…” I thought they were perfect.

And then the escort appeared. Flags went up, backs stood tall and straight, hats came off and hands went on hearts. On all those aching hearts. By God, we’re proud of you, son. All of us just wanted you to know.
On eagle’s wings, sweet boy. Semper Fi, Marine.

The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear

…well, you know. Presenting our:

Hog For Your Blog ~ Pork Post of the Day

You Can Only Use Your Skin To Think

So it seems as far as the Democrats in Maryland are concerned:

Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.


Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

Nice, huh?
As the Man says, read the whole thing.

Ken’s Having A Senior Moment

Please help him find a post.
Don’t do it for his sake, do it for the kittens:

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A Step in the Right Direction

…since he wouldn’t step aside.

Judge Removed From DeLay’s Criminal Case
The ruling came after a hearing in which attorneys for the former House Republican leader argued that state District Judge Bob Perkins’ political donations called his impartiality into question. Perkins, a Democrat, has contributed to candidates such as John Kerry and the liberal advocacy group MoveOn.org

Let’s see where it goes now.

A Room With a View

…is gonna cost you.

ORFORD, N.H. —The one-room cabin David Bischoff built in a cow pasture three years ago has no electricity, no running water, no phone service and no driveway.
What it does have is a wide-open view of the surrounding hills — a view valued at $140,000, according to the latest townwide property revaluation.
The so-called “view tax” increased the value of his property sevenfold, from $22,900 to $162,900, a figure he believes is far more than its actual value. He expects a sharp jump in his $500 annual property taxes as well.
“I’d be happy if they assessed me $50,000 for the view,” said Bischoff, chairman of the Board of Selectmen.

I guess that’s a White Mountain version of ‘beach front property’.

A problem named Maria checks out her bitchin’ New Hampshire pad, recently purchased for her as a vacation love nest by Captain von Trapp. “Ach du liebe!” she gurgled with delight.
“It goes from here…all zee way to dere!”
“You little minx,” he’s quoted as saying, while handing her the keys. “See what happens when you put out?”

Pig Of The Day

Brought to you by the swine folks at Mikeska’s BBQ.

Welcome to Our World

They are sick — and tired too — of playing second fiddle to New Orleans. Just like New Orleans, Port Arthur’s schools are still closed, but East Texans here say they’ve been cheated of both help and sympathy.
“People are, frankly, sick of hearing about Katrina around here,” says Wayner Moore, the administrator of Christus Hospital-St. Mary. That, says Moore, is because there was suffering here too.

Has there been any storm before or after Katrina for the past year? I don’t think so. On a lighter note, Major Dad sent me a CNN “your emails” link that seems lifted from our post-Wilma discussion the other day. The tenor of the emails chosen is amazing for an MSM column!

People who live in hurricane prone areas should learn to be self-sufficient. It is their responsibility to have at least 72 hours worth of food and water; they should fill their tubs, gas tanks and get as much cash as possible. This country was not built by people who depended on others to take care of them. During the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960’s all of South Florida kept about a week’s worth of food and water in their linen closets in case a bomb was dropped. The concept of self reliance is not new, just common sense. The government should not set expectations that they will be there any sooner than 72 hours. They actually did a great job in South Florida — the people failed their government.
Edi Meadows, Weston, Florida

Gives one a tiny glimmer of hope, pas vrai?
UPDATE: Well…DUH. But the whole concept is racist and insensitive.

Plan Away, Boys

Why does this particular headline aggrevate my acid reflux?

US steps up planning for a Cuba without Castro

Because this particular bunch of knot-head neo-cons couldn’t plan a Bar Mitzvah, that’s why. And when someone has a plan that tries to cover all the bases, it’s “too negative”. Like who? Anthony Zinni, for one.

“But how to square away this attitude with invading Iraq? Assume away the need for nation building. Again, White explains: “We had this mind-set that it would be a relatively straightforward, managable task, because this would be a war of liberation, and therefore reconstruction would be short-lived.” Rumsfeld’s spokesman, Larry Di Rita, went to Kuwait in 2003 and told the American offcials there that the State department had messed up Bosnia and Kosovo and that the Bush administration intended to hand over power to the Iraqis and leave within three months.
So the Army’s original battle plan for 500,000 troops got whittled down to 160,000. If General Tommy Franks “hadn’t offered some resistance, the number would have dropped well below 100,000,” Packer says. At one point, Franks’ predecessor, Anthony Zinni, inquired into the status of “DESERT CROSSING*“, his elaborate postwar plan that covered the sealing of borders, securing of weapons sites, provision of order and so on. He was told that it had been discarded because its assumptions were “too negative.” – Fareed Zakaria reviewing The Assassins’ Gate by George Packer, Sunday NYT Book Review.

*More on Desert Crossing below

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Word of the Day

golden handcuffs \GOAL-dun-HAND-kuffs\ noun
: special benefits offered to an employee as an inducement to continue service
Example sentence:
Ken eventually accepted the golden handcuffs and agreed to five more years with the goat.

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