One of Our Very Own Pensacola Blue Wahoos

…makes the Big Time, BIG time. 🙂

Another Lie And Distortion From Faux News

God, this is disgusting. How can these so-called “journalists” print these racist smears


The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession.

Oh, wait, that’s on CNN.

Never mind.

I’m Sure Corzine Has A Suite There As Well

The Dems just lurve them some Solyndra

The Obama campaign rolled out the red carpet this week for a former top Energy Department official who was at the center of the ill-fated government loan to Solyndra, a California solar panel firm that wound up in bankruptcy.

Steven J. Spinner joined other top fundraisers for a VIP tour of the Democratic National Convention floor in Charlotte Monday evening, posing and waving for a photographer while standing behind the podium. When he saw ABC News cameras, however, he ran for the exit.

And in fairness, do note that the byline on this story is Brian Ross.

I May Be Looking Like a Genius Here

If you all remember item No. 4 in my post below?

4) How will four days of hate-filled, unhinged vitriol directed at Mitt Romney, that blue-eyed baby boy Paul Ryan, Clint and GEORGE BUSH go over after the hope filled LOVEFEST that WAS RNC2012?

Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if they haven’t actually written it into the Party Plank!

I can’t wait until the great Democratic drama queens actually get their time onstage with (and without) a script, and the teeth gnashing, breastbeating, wailing and cursing UNTO THE HEAVENS starts in earnest.

Tonight, is it?

The PBS NewsHour crew has been falling over themselves for two days already trying to contrast Romney/Ryan and the RNC with what is about to befall us, as well as introduce us to the cuddlier characters of the DNC, like that roly poly, good natured and impishly named “Trumpka” fella.

Oh, Judy Woodruff just could not contain her pen-twitching when they had HIM on set. Good times in store.

Are These Guys Nucking Futs?

Because $16+ trillion is really not enough and their efforts to this stage have worked so brilliantly folks at the Federal Reserve have decided to give themselves blank checks

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke says the U.S. economy is “far from satisfactory.” His colleagues are moving to embrace policies that will stay in place until he’s satisfied.

Four Fed presidents have come out in favor of an open-ended strategy for bond buying, with three calling for the program to begin now. Rather than specify a fixed amount of bonds to purchase by a certain date, such a strategy would leave the Fed able to announce a pace of purchases that it could adjust as the economy gets closer to Bernanke’s goals.

They are completely out of control and beyond reason. They have held interest rates near zero since late 2008, racked up trillions in debt and further trillions in interest liabilities and we have what, exactly to show for it?

They failed, the policy was wrong and it’s time to end it.

OSS 117: Lost In Rio

If you need some good laughs I can highly recommend this movie

It has some of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen; the “chase” scene in the hospital may in fact be the funniest. I think we’ve watched it 6 or 7 times and I still love it.

I Didn’t Know A Black Dog Could Be So Blue

Somebody misses his best bud…

He DID Promise a “Dog in Every Pot”

I KNOW I heard it. I know I did.


National Empty Chair Day

…at casa de major dad.

So lonesome, it could cry.


Running on “Empty”


Iowans’ Message to Obama: ‘We Did Build This’

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — President Obama received a less than warm welcome and a warning upon arrival at the airport here on the second stop of his Iowa visit, which was aimed at recapturing some of the magic the state gave his run to the White House in 2008.

Greeting Air Force One as it touched down under sunny skies and sultry heat was a hand-painted banner draped across the top of an airplane hangar that reads, “Obama Welcome to SUX – We Did Build This.” “SUX” is the airport code for Sioux City.

Coulda gone to Louisiana and been a big hero, dude.

Just sayin’…

RIP Hal David

What a lyrical, melodious soul. My favorite?

Oh, always.

Ah! Sunday Morning!

The last one of Summer, even. To celebrate with style and sophistication I decided to make an open-face pork roll sammich

And let the record show that that beer was not opened until several minutes after 10am.

At least seven.

National Empty Chair Day is MONDAY

Pass it on.

And feel free to send us your pictures! I’ll be glad to put them up when I get back from our Blue Wahoos game (provided Gulf Power can KEEP the power on.)

It’s Confused I Am!

Dem. Gov. Admits: No, We’re Not Better Off Than We Were 4 Years Ago

…Democrats have been studiously avoiding the “are Americans better off today?” question, but O’Malley addressed it head-on during an appearance on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“No,” he answered host Bob Schieffer, two days before the start of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C.

But that’s not the question of this election.

Oh, and you will never, EVER GUESS WHAT THE ANSWER IS!!! (C’mon! Guessguessguessguess!)

Okay. I’ll tell ya.

No, I’ll SHOW ya, since you’re a stupid Rethuglican who needs, like PICTURES.

George says, “GTFO! Really?!?

That’s RIGHT! It’s YOU, Buddy! EE-VILLE BushBushBushBushBush!

Without a doubt, we are not as well off as we were before George Bush brought us the Bush job losses, the Bush recessions, the Bush deficits, the series of desert wars, charged for the first time to credit cards — the national credit card.

Hot DAWG, and they have implausibly, unbelievably, collectively latched themselves onto a brilliant winning argument like limpets to a slimy rock, they have.

Or is it lemmings over a big rock? Either way…

**Oh, goody!**

Obama’s Excuses Sound Like the Song: It’s a Long Way to Tipperary Louisiana!

Last I looked at a map ~ and, admittedly, I AM blonde, so this could be wrong ~ Louisiana was BETWEEN Colorado and OIHO:

Obama Schedule || Sunday, September 2, 2012

by Keith Koffler on September 2, 2012, 11:25 am

1:00 pm MT || Delivers remarks at a campaign event; University of Colorado at Boulder
2:30 pm MT || Departs Denver
1:20 pm ET || Arrives Toledo, Ohio

Doesn’t look so jam-packed to me that he couldn’t pop on down to say “How y’all doin’?” in his best phoney regional accent.

What do I know. Is there a golf course of note in Toledo?

Very Crispy Pig For Breakfast This Morning

and a couple a three eggs scramblelated in the drippings, naturally.

Serf Und Törf

I had to make sure Daughter had some decent grub last week before she empty nested us

And This is How You Get Fans

…into your expensive ballpark.

Frickin’ genius.

“This Is How You Sell Beer”


Just Thinkin’

Romney’s humanity, decency and competence, Ryan’s fire and Clint’s cutting through the PC BS ~ ALL their unwavering patriotism ~ will shine even brighter next week for the contrast between conventions. Man o man, ESPECIALLY since it will still be SO FRESH in people’s minds!

1) How many “USA! USA!” chants will ring spontaneously out from the DNC crowd?

2) What speakers will bring tears to the eyes of delegates (And not from the pain of sitting through the speech itself, or the cudgels of SEIU goons forcing them to stay in their seats for the cameras?)

3) How long before the first heckler shoots their mouth off at Cardinal Dolan, when he appears for the final benediction?

4) How will four days of hate-filled, unhinged vitriol directed at Mitt Romney, that blue-eyed baby boy Paul Ryan, Clint and GEORGE BUSH go over after the hope filled LOVEFEST that WAS RNC2012?

Should. Be. FUN.

None of This is a Shock Nor a Surprise

But it helps to be able to attribute your assertions to HIS OWN QUOTES when the “racist” squawks start.

MIX: Barack Obama: ‘I owe those unions’

President’s billion-dollar secret weapon

In his book “The Audacity of Hope,” then-candidate Barack Obama, when talking about his relationship with Big Labor union officials, wrote:

I owe those unions. When their leaders call, I do my best to call them back right away. I don’t consider this corrupting in any way.

Fours year later, it’s become clear he did a lot more than just call them. Countless giveaways to organized labor have ensured that Washington union bosses owe the president and will spend more than a billion dollars to ensure President Obama’s return to the White House.

You see, the largest special interest in the upcoming elections is Big Labor.

Of course, he’s from Chicago, where “corruption” is a requirement of the ruling class, rather than a criminal failing, so it wouldn’t tickle any particular moral nerve-ending had he one left that jangled alarms. (PREsupposing he had one to begin with.) (I know. What a racist H8R.)

You all may not have noticed how lightening fast the union TROLLS found Bingley’s post to start an immediate counterattack, but it was indicative of a concerted, continuous, well-orchestrated, web-intense effort to search for and immediately stomp ANY anti-union sentiments.

The worst news? Union goons haven’t even warmed up yet.

Like Clint said, WE own this country, but THEY OWN this President and the Democratic Party.

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