What bloody man is that?
Macbeth, 1. 2

What are these
So wither’d and so wild in their attire,
That look not like the inhabitants o’ the earth,
And yet are on ‘t?
Macbeth, 1. 3
Come, you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts! unsex me here,
And fill me from the crown to the toe top full
Of direst cruelty; make thick my blood,
Stop up the access and passage to remorse,
That no compunctious visitings of nature
Shake my fell purpose.
Macbeth, 1. 5
…when reading through her conversion kit.
An Islamic association and two of its officials must pay more than $1.7 million to lawyers for a woman who successfully sued the organization for sexual discrimination, a judge has ruled.
The ruling is against the Islamic Society of Orange County, which runs the Orange Crescent School in Garden Grove where Zakiyyah Muhammad was principal for five years until she was fired in 2003.
Muhammad, 60, a convert to Islam, was awarded $788,000 in damages by a jury in September after she claimed she was dismissed for challenging her male bosses.
I’m glad it worked out for her. Her Islamic world sisters wouldn’t have been so lucky.
UPDATE: Seems there may have been a cultural clash at work here. An OC Register interview with Zakiyyah Muhammad.
Q. You were fired about two months after Fazal Mirza (a Pakistani Immigrant) came on board as school board president. Why?
A.That’s a good question. We concluded he chose not to work with an African-American principal. (Also) he did not appreciate the fact that I was not a subservient image who will keep very quiet.
….(Also) many (immigrant Muslims) perceive that because they’ve had their religion longer than many Muslim Americans, particularly African-American Muslims, that our Islam is not legitimate. But that is not what Islam says.
Kick back, flash somebody if you’re up to it, parade about in your beads and feathers, then eat some red beans and rice wahed down with a VooDoo Ale or Abita. We’re doin’ dryrub baby backs, cornbread and red beans tonight. That is what…
Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler !!
…is all about.

Now. Drink up, Shriners.
Swill Salute to New Orleans’ premiere poster artist Mousie.
And he did! He did!

A dead cat in Germany has found to be infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus.
That’s what you get for swallowing Tweety Bird, Sylvester.
Wow, what a mess this new Bond Pretty Boy seems to be:
JINXED James Bond star Daniel Craig has been hit by a nasty bout of prickly heat.
He suffered sunburn while topping up his tan before filming in the Bahamas.
New 007 Craig wanted a healthy glow for the movie, but ended up James Burned — and now can’t stop itching.
Two weeks ago he had two teeth knocked out while filming a fight scene in Prague.
Craig has revealed he can only drive an automatic car — so the traditional Aston Martin DB5 had to be converted.
And he previously confessed he doesn’t like guns, while speedboats make him feel queasy.
Heh. Doesn’t like guns?
…they left stuff like this behind on the “Highway of Death”…

…for Major Dad to find.
Marine Aircraft Group-13 legend has it that our CO was in an F-18 heading north of Kuwait City, when he noticed a ton of traffic on the highway to Basra. He got a little closer, confirmed who was buggering out and called for some help.
Lots of it arrived.
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The Marine Corps plans to send the troubled Osprey aircraft into combat zones within a year and is activating a squadron of the tilt-rotor planes this week.
“Obviously, due to operational concerns we don’t want to tell exactly when they will deploy,” said spokesman Master Sgt. Phil Mehringer at Marine Corps Air Station New River, where the squadron will be based. “But it’s certainly going to happen in the near future. Definitely, within a year.”
As major dad said ~ schmutzing a very cush job in the civilian sector, I’m sure ~ the program’s a train wreck.
…Some lawmakers have called for a change to the national response plan that gives the Red Cross the primary role and the dollars that flow with it.
I’ve been saying they were AFU for years. Wouldn’t give them a dime or a drop of blood.
…Even after the experience of the Great War, and the Depression, people on the eve of the Hitler war could not appreciate what was coming. It is only in retrospect that we understand what happened as the 1930s progressed — when a spineless political class, eager at any price to preserve a peace that was no longer available, performed endless demeaning acts of appeasement to the Nazis; while the Nazis created additional grievances to extract more.
…Germany was full of moderate Germans, as Hitler rose; Stalin drove his oars through a sea of moderate Russians. While we must not forget that the Muslims are the first victims of “Islamism”, and may suffer most from its triumph, we are beyond the point where we can do more for them than destroy the tyranny by which they are enthralled.
Moderation in all things is very dangerous.
I’m sorry, but what woman would do this? And what kind of a scum bag guy would want/encourage/demand that his wife do it?
Mrs Yarborough paid $5,000 (£2,860) to a cosmetic surgeon to stitch her hymen back together so she could “lose her virginity” all over again and her husband would have that thrilling conquest at the grand age of 40
Yuck yuck yuck.
…a time or two myself.
…But Weir missed a change in the bus schedule, got to the arena later than planned, and, when he got on the ice, discovered he had left his “aura” back in the Olympic Village.
…the French government does things pretty much at their convenience…

…so this shouldn’t come as any surprise, although it is nice to see the Europeans called on it in print.
Europe is the citadel of hypocrisy. Considering Europeans’ contempt for the United States and George Bush for not embracing the Kyoto Protocol, you’d expect that they would have made major reductions in greenhouse gas emissions—the purpose of Kyoto. Well, not exactly. From 1990 (Kyoto’s base year for measuring changes) to 2002, global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas, increased 16.4 percent, reports the International Energy Agency. The U.S. increase was 16.7 percent, and most of Europe hasn’t done much better.
Just like voting down the EU Constitution. Once that “all for one, one for all” European Union impediment was out of the way ~ Chirac’s artful breast-beating to the contrary ~ they’ve gone about steadily gobbling up assets in the national interest.
Suez and Gaz de France on Monday outlined the details of the shock move to create a French national energy champion by way of a €73bn merger between the state-controlled electricity group and the power and water group.
…The confirmation of the merger comes just days after Enel of Italy revealed it was considering a hostile bid for Suez. Dominique de Villepin, prime minister, on Saturday withdrew his objections to a full merger of GdF with Suez, saying his support was motivated by “the strategic importance of energy for France”.
Combining GdF, which dominates the French gas market, and Suez, whose Electrabel subsidiary makes it the biggest electricity company in the Benelux region, would create Europe’s second largest energy group by sales after Germany’s Eon and the world’s largest liquefied natural gas group. The two groups said the merger would create annual synergies of €500m.
…The merger has outraged politicians in Italy and unions in France. On Sunday Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s economy minister, accused France of protectionism. “The tendency of European states to build protective barriers must be stopped. We still have time. If not, we risk an August 1914 effect,” he said, referring to the start of the first world war.
Yup. For such a big, happy family, I wonder that they have any time at all to look down their Gallic proboscises at us.

(hat tip to reader timb. who saw it on Michelle Malkin)
On your wedding this weekend:
A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his “wife”, after he was caught having sex with the animal.
The goat’s owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.
They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi.
“We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together,” Mr Alifi said.
The happy couple is registered online if you are thinking of sending a gift.
…aping the German U-Boat commanders.
“Das LIMPET?!!”

So long to our Barney Fife ~ a really nice guy, whose movies made such fond memories.
…Bush the Senior had had enough of this sh*t…

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…but no cigar.
Maidstone’s Medway Golf Club refused former president Bill Clinton a round of golf on Thursday because the crowded course was hosting its midweek championships.
…”We can’t deprive the paying members of their golf, even for an ex-president,” said 62-year-old member Wendy Alley. “But it would have been a buzz for the ladies. There’s no Monica Lewinsky here — we’re better.”
Ms Alley’s regular golf partner, Lorraine Bramley, agreed: “We would have played with him — golf, that is.”
What saucy, naughty minxes!
…to No. 1.
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – The tale of a rambunctious puppy is proving its staying power in the dog-eat-dog world of U.S. best-sellers.

With more than 1 million copies in print, “Marley and Me — Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog” has struck a chord with dog lovers who are laughing and crying over author John Grogan’s account of his yellow Labrador retriever.
How wonderful a real dog story can make it to the top in this world of James Freys.
Take some normal soil, add a handful of charcoal, a bunch of leaves and a dollop of cow poop.
You’ve got modern-day terra preta, called bio-char.
Tree hugging, Swilling style.
What a lovely sentiment, but an impossible dream where Islam is concerned, I’m afraid. Very afraid.
PARIS (Reuters) – After backing calls by Muslims for respect for their religion in the Mohammad cartoons row, the Vatican is now urging Islamic countries to reciprocate by showing more tolerance toward their Christian minorities.
Roman Catholic leaders at first said Muslims were right to be outraged when Western newspapers reprinted Danish caricatures of the Prophet, including one with a bomb in his turban. Most Muslims consider any images of Mohammad to be blasphemous.
After criticizing both the cartoons and the violent protests in Muslim countries that followed, the Vatican this week linked the issue to its long-standing concern that the rights of other faiths are limited, sometimes severely, in Muslim countries…
…“If we tell our people they have no right to offend, we have to tell the others they have no right to destroy us,” Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican’s Secretary of State (prime minister), told journalists in Rome.
Amen to that, Father.
Americans work more, seem to accomplish less
‘Cause we’re blogging and that takes time. While our readers may ‘accomplish less’, we like to think ~
and you can thank us ~ that they’re in a MUCH better mood and more informed than your average slackers. Efficiency is overrated.
Ya know, part of the fun of this whole blog thing is the interaction with folks of different stripes and ideas. Sometimes you get comments that are so…so…different in their nature that they deserve to be posts all unto themselves, for they are timeless classics that stand alone, and of course have no relevance to the threads they appeared in. That, indeed, is part of their charm. And we were blessed with one such comment today, which I reproduce below the fold in all its glory.
I have but two editorial comments before sending you to read it. Firstly, ‘grandpa stole bets’ sadly did not chose to grace only our humble pages with his wisdom. He hit Nightfly earlier today with a somewhat edited version, and he seems to have posted more or less the same manifesto at other sites over the past few months.
Secondly, let me leave you with the words of a commentor on one of the sites grandpa visited earlier, a wise sage named TDavis who provides the clearest analysis of grandpa:
RE: grampa stole bets
Reminds me of the time I smoked some Thai Stick and tried to read “Finnegan’s Wake”.
Without further delay, I present grandpa stole bets:
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