I had to check my calendar when I read this a few minutes ago
Acting Gov. and outgoing Senate President Richard Codey (D-Roseland) penned a letter to U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano today asking her to resign based on her response to the attempted bombing of a U.S. airliner.
“Based on the handling of this entire affair, I think it’s time for you to consider stepping down and making room for an individual with more law enforcement and counterterrorism experience to take the reins at the Office of Homeland Security,” wrote Codey in the letter, which was copied to President Obama.
Read the whole thing; I think he’s 100% correct.
But I can’t shake the feeling this is a hoax.
That said, this letter has some lines that have to leave a mark:
Public relations spin to the contrary, I believe there are 300 airline passengers who were onboard Flight 253 and would disagree with your assessment on how well the system “worked.” It was by sheer luck and mechanical malfunction of the bomber’s equipment that the United States was able to avoid tragedy, not through homeland security training and planning.
Virginia beat a ranked opponent!
Can anyone think of a good reason to keep it around?
I sure can’t.
However Lady Thatcher was not amused
Lady Thatcher refused to be protected by 20 “karate ladies” at a summit in Japan unless male world leaders were given the same number of “karate gentlemen”.
Downing Street memos show that officials feared the prime minister could be embarrassed by her security detail at the economic meeting in Tokyo in May 1979.
Sir John Hunt, the cabinet secretary, had confirmed with Japanese officials that a television news report stating “20 ‘karate ladies’ would attend her” was indeed true.
The Japanese really thought this was a proper and decent policy for her security
Sir John said that subtle attempts to persuade their Japanese hosts to alter the plans had proved unsuccessful. He added: “A high-level approach is therefore necessary.”
You know that Ghaddafi wouldn’t have said no.
Save yourself some money, big guy. I’ve got the answer to your security concerns at any given airport (Well, besides the obvious “When somebody’s daddy turns him in and THEN he pays cash, has no luggage or passport for an international flight: you PAY F*CKING ATTENTION!!!!” It might not be the “No-Fly List” but it sure as HELL should be the “CRAWL UP HIS ASS” list then.) and it’ll save a buttload of cash-ola, not to mention NOT piss Granny off because she’s naked on camera for Jethro running the scanner.

I can GUARANTEE labradorks will thoroughly sniff every single individual in line ~ as well as at least three-quarters…wait: make that 85% of the crotches ~ and their services (even with complimentary schnot schnoodle removing dry-cleanings thrown in) will cost you considerably less than anything these J-No/TSA pinheads can pull out their asses in any time at all.
Given that Charlie Sheen has been arrested for supposedly threatening to kill his wife I’m thinking that schmaybe Comcast might want to re-think this headline
“Sheen’s Wife Surfaces After Incident”
(perhaps he needs heavier chains?)
Oddly enough, it sounds an awful lot like “give us your data, comrade”
(AP) MOSCOW (AP) – Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Russia wants the U.S. to share detailed data about its planned missile shield under a new arms control treaty, signaling potential new difficulties in the ongoing negotiations between Moscow and Washington.
Putin’s televised remarks set a defiant tone as negotiators try to hammer out a successor to the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that expired on Dec. 5. The two countries had hoped to reach a deal before the end of the year, but problems persist.
Putin also said that Russia will build new weapons to offset the U.S. missile defense system.
He said the data he wants the US to provide will be used to reduce Global Warming by allowing the Russians to counter the US system sooner.
You know, I added that last line as a joke…and then I read the rest of the article
Putin said that Russia has no intention to build a missile shield of its own, but will have to develop new offensive weapons to offset a future U.S. missile defense.
“In order to preserve a balance while we aren’t planning to build a missile defense of our own, as it’s very expensive and its efficiency is not quite clear yet, we have to develop offensive strike systems,” he said.
Sometimes I amaze myself.
Aw hell, it is laughable, regardless. What the hell were the Bush officials thinking who came up with this one
Two of the four leaders allegedly behind the al Qaeda plot to blow up a Northwest Airlines passenger jet over Detroit were released by the U.S. from the Guantanamo prison in November, 2007, according to American officials and Department of Defense documents. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the Northwest bombing in a Monday statement that vowed more attacks on Americans.
American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.
Guantanamo prisoner #333, Muhamad Attik al-Harbi, and prisoner #372, Said Ali Shari, were sent to Saudi Arabia on Nov. 9, 2007, according to the Defense Department log of detainees who were released from American custody.
Now I know State vehemently disagreed with Bush on just about everything and did everything it could to undermine his directives and plans, but this release nonetheless occurred on his watch and ultimately is his responsibility. I would like to know just how these aspiring art students ended up at Gitmo…and who recommended them for release.
I wonder how the Art Department is at the Halal Campus of the University of Illinois?
All I keep hearing in my head is “Send in the Clowns”.
Surely, they’re here.
I miss George.

(Just checking out my new camera)
Our little Christmas miracle? Our wee little backyard ~ with it’s river birch, a “hybrid” (don’t ask), Drake elm and crepe myrtle ~ was filled with THE most wonderful collection of birds ever. Wow. A number of never before seen visitors has alighted, like juncos! Oh, how we adored the little charcoal guys in North Carolina, and here they are. Our very first flights of goldfinches and sparrows joined the yellow-bellied sapsucker on and around the Drake. (The ubiquitous purple finches are always hogging the tube feeder.) Bluebirds were clearing the yard of grubs, the cardinal pair was resplendent in their puffy prettiness, a warbler worked the jasmine, the mockingbird bounced into the yard to flex his muscle, while the blue jay just hung upside down from the feeder he can’t quite crack. Mourning doves still sit motionless among the bare branches, waiting for the chaos to subside, but the chickadee pair is working hard at keeping the place lively anyway.
Between the decimated, tree-less yard we inherited, the unending development construction and two major hurricanes, honestly ~ we never thought we’d see this day. Wow.
Almost time to pull the prime rib out and beer steam some shrimps for cocktail. Ebola’s still snoring in the backroom ~ trying to pack as much into these last two days before he takes off for bootcamp is exhausting business. I’m trying to ignore his leaving, but that’s a mom thing. (If Kcruella could tough it out and gracefully handle her only child enlisting, I have to try. But I’m an acknowleged weenie.) After stuffing ourselves, we’ll chill out with “Christmas in Connecticut” and the Alien movie of his choice.
Like always.
And we’ll think of all the troops in uniforms in places none of us would ever want to be and hope they can sense our love, our best wishes, and the fervent hope that our prayers for their safety can blanket the lot of them successfully. And try to think of who we know ~ even slightly ~ who could really, really use that phone call on Christmas, because the chances of them getting one at all are slim. And we will thank the power in this universe who gives us such plenty, such good health and such comfort, and be humbled at our blessings.
Which includes the bounty of friends we are likewise blessed with and so unworthy of. You all are the best.
Biggest hugs, dear Swillers. Merry Christmas.
Oh night divine.
Peace and blessings, dear friends.
In case any of y’all were wondering, Claude really enjoyed the bacon risotto I just made for lunch

May you all have a most blessed and safe Christmas, warmly wrapped in the embrace of those you love.
And may the glorious members of our Armed Forces around the world know our love, appreciation and concern for them.
And thanks ever so much to You, Dear Readers, for taking part in our little conversations through the year.
Via LawHawk, here’s a very encouraging sign that Gov-Elect Christie is going to get serious about cutting spending and forcing the Legislature to “own” the pork
TRENTON — Gov.-elect Chris Christie and his transition aides are compiling plans to slash New Jersey state spending and state programs by as much as 25 percent in response to the continuous flow of dim financial news from the New Jersey Treasury Department, according to an internal document obtained by The Star-Ledger.
Even before he takes office next month, his team is looking for programs that can be eliminated entirely and calling on state administrators to find untapped federal funds to cover whatever they possibly can.
…”In light of the state’s fiscal circumstances, all agencies are asked to submit reduction plans equal to 15 percent, 20 percent and 25 percent below their” budget projections for fiscal 2011, according to the memo. The cuts cannot include the recent rounds of reductions enacted by Corzine, but must, instead, be made on top of them — and must include at least a five percent cut in spending on direct state services. “Across the board reductions are not to be submitted; instead consideration should be given to the elimination of ineffective programs or the consolidation of duplicative programs.”
The Legislature will squeal like spoiled children but I think that when they realize the cranky mood the populace is in they will be very reticent to stand in the way of too many cuts. If Christie keeps his nerve he has a very good opportunity to make some long-term cuts in State spending and get a substantial shift in the composition of the Legislature. There is an insane amount of waste that can and must be cut.
Cut the spending, cut the nanny state regulations.
Aggressively combat every idiotic new proposal that comes out of Legislature committees (like the latest one requiring NJ restaurants to list calories on their menus) by exposing their true cost in terms of added bureaucratic layers and business time for compliance so that the people can see the straight jacket that is being wrapped around us.
We won’t have many more chances to regain control and rein in the Government.
…for a politician in New Jersey
A website called burlesquebabesshop.com says that former Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Beldini, who was arrested in July as part of the U.S. Attorney’s Operation Bid Rig, is a former exotic dancer who performed under the name Hope Diamond. Beldini pleaded not guilty earlier this month to three counts of bribery and three counts of extortion after federal prosecutors alleged that she took a $20,000 bribe from a cooperating witness widely believed to be Solomon Dwek.
The One is found to be “imperial, arrogant” and dishonest by a fellow leftist whose boss is always dressed in olive drab
HAVANA, Dec 21 (Reuters) – Cuba accused U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday of being “imperial, arrogant” and dishonest during last week’s global climate conference in the latest sign of deteriorating relations between Havana and Washington.
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said in a televised press conference that Obama lied during the United Nations summit in Copenhagen and is making a habit of it after less than a year in office.
“He lies all the time, deceives with demagogic words, with profound cynicism,” Rodriguez told reporters.
In most countries this is referred to as “being a politician.”
But sometimes Gaia likes to remind folks who’s really in charge
(CNN) — Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes as scientists warn the towering Mayon volcano is about to explode in the Philippines, the country’s national news agency reported Monday.
…Philippine authorities raised the alert status to Level 4 on Sunday which “means that a hazardous explosive eruption is possible within days,” according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology.
Mount Mayon is a gorgeous mountain that unfortunately likes to explode; let’s hope she doesn’t follow her fellow volcano Mt. Pinatubo’s path.
I’m just not seeing any downside to this
Federal government offices in the Washington region will be closed on Monday. Nonessential government workers will be granted excused absences.
This Health Care Bill, which hasn’t been written yet, is so obviously a great idea that here’s the list of Senate Bribes to get votes from the Democrats for it.
Absolutely sickening. Everyone of the bastards needs to get voted out in 2010 and 2012.
Oh, and the best part is we get the bill for the bribes, too.
What a great system.
Part of the downside of living in the Winter Wonder Landia that is New Jersey

(who needs the Rockefeller Center Tree?)
is that one’s vehicle tends to get swept up in all this warming that’s occurring

So what to do? Well, as the Alpha Male and Certified King of my Castle I get to shovel.
A lot.
But luckily for me my beloved Bride knows exactly the fuel to keep my engine going at 8 in the morning:

Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts
And, um,
Balvenie Double Wood 12 year old whisky

See how perfectly the snow on the hood of her car keeps it at the right temperature? That’s why I didn’t clean her car off.
Properly prepared to face the driveway de-glacerization I dove into the task with reckless abandon, and, ho! The end of the driveway draws ever closer…

Time to re-energize with a little sip

By all that is Holy! How’d that happen?

Gawd I love that woman.
Well we got a nice bunch of Global Warmening overnight. Kids throughout the area are rejoicing, although there is one member of our household who is not terribly amused…

and there’s a lot more out there this morning than there was last night

my goal is to reach that gray object by noon

Please send out The Beast™ with a suitable quantity of brandy if I don’t return by then…

It’s just started, and since we were around 18º overnight it’s all schtickin’.
Hmmm, how to spend the day….

Bacon helps the medicine go doooooowwwn

In the most delightful way.
All they had to do was just meet in Copenhagen and already Gaia has mended her ways
Praise the almighty and pass the expense forms!
We’re saved!