Reason 978 That Coddling Certain Islamic ‘Sensibilities’ Sucks Wind

Police: Jonesboro Man Killed Daughter Who Wanted Out Of Arranged Marriage
Victim Had No Contact With Husband For 3 Months
A 25-year-old Jonesboro woman is dead after police said she told her father she wanted out of an arranged marriage.
Police said they found Sandela Kanwal’s body inside a home on Utah Drive in Jonesboro. They said Kanwal had been killed by her own father, Chaudry Rashad.

This daddy needs to die.
Note to Islamic immigrants: When you move to the twentyFIRST century United States, check your seventh century shit at the door, yo. If you feel you shouldn’t have to compromise either your ‘religion’ or ‘culture’ for western living, I think England has available space. (Plus, the police dogs tromping around your home during the homicide investigation? In England, they wear booties. Win, win, right?)

What I’m Eating For The Fourth Of July

As y’all are well aware my Bride has cruelly abandoned me on this most American of holidays. So what’s a fellow to do?
Well, for starters, I will wear a shirt she got for me a few years ago back on the Mississippi

That will set the proper mood, dontcha think?
To help that mood along I made myself a caipirinha

using our buddy Cahaça Dave’s cachaça, Fazenda Mãe de Ouro.

Damned tasty stuff.
Now for fun I had bought a bottle of German Zeller Schwarze Katz wine to have

as it was only $7, but the caipirinha was too damn tasty at the moment, so it had to wait.

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The Tree Rat

Look at this little bastard

A squirrel that has lost his tail.
Pity it wasn’t his head instead.

It’s a Masterpiece, I Say! They Will Cheer Every Word, Every Letter!

Let me add my fervent “Happy Fourth of July” to Bingley’s.

Friday, July 4th, 8:30 am

Well, even though my beloved Bride and Daughter are out of town I still have my responsibilities that I take seriously, and intend to discharge to the best of my ability. The deck and house need to be stained, and to that end I spent the weightier part of yesterday power washing the deck to strip off the old stain, and afterwards while it was drying in the glorious sun I stained, oh, about half of the garage side of the house.
So I awoke this morning, sadly somewhat sore and stiff, I must confess, to continue performing my duty on this most patriotic of days.
Let’s see, dry stripped deck, anxiously awaiting stain

Wait, what’s this? A cool moistness to the pleasant zephyr descending the hillside? I cast my gaze heavenward and pray tell what do I see?

An impenetrable layer of Werhmacht Gray cloudiness as far as the eye can see! Egads!
A quick perusal of confirms my worst fear: showers all day with a thunderstorm chaser this afternoon. The Almighty has declared “Thou Shall Not Stain Today.”
Oh damn!!

May you all equally enjoy the bounteous blessings of this great land, and truly appreciate the sacrifices made by those who have come before us, on this day and every day hereafter. Honor their memory and efforts by upholding the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the words of the Constitution, and shrink not from sacrifices yet to be asked of you so that your children and their heirs may yet live as you have, in the freest Republic the world has ever seen.

What I’m Drinking Tonight

Oh Woe Is Me!
Well, more precisely, oh woe is my liver. You see, Daughter has been off at camp for two weeks, and today my beloved Bride flew out to get her and visit with her Pop for a week.
This leaves me alone. For a week.
Well, I do have important tasks to do, mind you. The deck needs to be power washed and restained, as indeed does the entire house, and to this end I’ve spent the weightier part of today. But a feller has to eat, doesn’t he?
and drink?
For dinner I’m going to make some Bingley Rabe, as it’s my traditional I’m-so-ronery meal.
I’ve decided to channel my inner Cullen while I cook (and drink) so I’ve put Black Sabbath’s “We Sold Our Soul For Rock And Roll” cd on the stereo very loud. Most excellent.
For beverages I thought I’d work my way through a variety of German wines

as I haven’t posted really anything on them.
But then this cute little keg of beer caught my eye

Dortmunder is very tasty and smooth out of this 5 liter keg. What I especially appreciate is the little Germanic order on the side: “Once opened, party keg must be consumed in one day.”

Not a problem.

Definition of a “Whack Job”?

Right next to this picture…

…in the “W’s”.

…He declared: ‘It is possible in this country for those who are entering into a contractual agreement to agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law.

Have they ALL lost their EVER loving, tea sipping BRAINS?
So, I’m curious, George. What DOES it mean to be “English” these days?
IS there such a thing anymore?

July 3rd, 1776

On this day the giants debated and edited those glorious words, this glorious idea.
Just think about this: Jefferson, Adams and Franklin submitted the Declaration to Congress on June 28th. As it was a Friday, Congress of course adjourned and did nothing, tabling discussion until Monday, July 1st.
By July 4th it was debated, slightly edited and passed.
Just imagine how long this would take given our current crop of “leaders.”

Once Again, Our Worth is Proven Through Impartial Means

Needs an expert? On almost any subject, you need only consult the Swilling.

Breaking News

headline on CNN: Former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and 3 Americans have been rescued from rebels, a Colombian official says.
This is great news. Uribe has done a fantastic job against these terrorists, and deserves as much help as we can give him.

Game, Set, SMASHED!

NPR (!?!?!?!) lays a verbal hurt on Weasley Clark.

When you yourself were a candidate for president, you touted your own military service. And I seem to remember you saying that that was part of what made you a well-qualified candidate to sit in the Oval Office.

A WARM Swill salute to File It Under, who suggests also listening to the exchange in a search for Weasley ‘nuances’.

What Part Of “Go And Sin No More” Don’t They Understand?

We’re having our great Liberty Extravaganza at church and, given the insanity coming out of the Presbyterian General Assembly, I sent Tim a note letting him know that there were still some sane Presbyterians left in the world (he was dragged to my church last year after I rendered him insensible with the weightier part of a case of wine). He was kind enough to point me to this latest bit of insanity from the General Assembly

SAN JOSE, Calif. — The nation’s largest Presbyterian denomination on Friday (June 27) cracked open the door to ordaining non-celibate gay and lesbian clergy, though the decades-old fight is far from over.
Delegates at the Presbyterian Church (USA) meeting here voted 54 percent to 46 percent to remove a clause in their constitution that requires clergy to be either married and faithful or single and chaste.
…In a related move, delegates approved an “authoritative interpretation” of church rules on gay clergy, a move that was meant to piece back together a delicate compromise forged two years ago that was rejected by the church’s highest court.
Under the new interpretation, gay and lesbian clergy would be allowed to declare a conscientious objection to rules that would otherwise prohibit them. Local bodies could then choose to ordain them, or deny them access to the pulpit.

How come the G & L folks get special treatment? Why can’t I “declare a conscientious objection to rules” that, you know, might crimp my style or, even worse, perhaps cast my desires in a less-than-flattering light?
Last I heard people who declare a “conscientious objection” to God’s rules were called atheists, not clergy.
But I don’t get out much, and obviously times have changed.

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“Come Unto Me, Children”

And witness Thou some shameless pandering for Thine vote unto Me.

Obama to expand Bush’s faith based programs
Says challenges faced today are ‘too big for government to solve alone’
Reaching out to religious voters, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called for expanding President Bush’s program steering federal social service dollars to religious groups and — in a move sure to cause controversy — supported some ability to hire and fire based on faith.
(Note: The Associated Press initially reported Obama supports “their (faith-based organizations’) ability to hire and fire based on faith.” NBC reports the campaign says Obama’s plan would prevent organizations from discriminating based on faith. The Associated Press changed its wording to say, “some ability to hire and fire based on faith.” The campaign says this second version is still inaccurate.)

Sorry, Elliot ~ “It’s Mine, All MINE!!!” Edition

Seems he gets to keep it.

Court dismisses more claims in Grasso case: report

A New York court has dismissed more claims against former New York Stock Exchange chief Richard Grasso brought by state officials who want him to return part of his $187.5 million pay package, CNBC reported on Tuesday.

“Mmmmmm, Burgers!!”

Adequate nutrition at surfing events is always a concern.

Considering the calories expended, there’s no qukibbling about it.

“Dakota Oil: Persia on the Plains?”

Oh, you BET controversial!

Western North Dakota and western Pennsylvania, by which I mean the middle of nowhere, are on track to become the center of the universe for energy companies over the next few years as geologists, speculators and attorneys battle for control of two of the most important and unusual oil and gas finds of the past three decades.

Before the battle is fully defined and winners are awarded the spoils, there’s plenty of time for investors to make low-risk bets that could generate great returns over the next few years. There are even cheaper opportunities north of these two hot spots, in the Canadian tundra of Saskatchewan and New Brunswick, which share the same rich rock formations but have yet to attract as much interest.
It may be a little hard to believe that these forlorn areas — far from the glamorously derrick-dotted plains of Texas, Oklahoma and California — could yield the sort of riches that attract the diamond-studded-cowboy-hat crowd, but energy exploration has never exactly gone hand in hand with the tourist trade. So put on your mukluks and parka, get out your atlas and prepare for a visit to the Bakken and Marcellus shales.

In fact SO controversial, it makes some people sick!

That must be why I feel ill every time I see him.

Speaking Of The Olympics…

Miss Wang’s favorite curative may cause a problem or two for some Chinese athletes

Wang Cheng has the perfect remedy for athletes struggling to recover from injury during the Beijing Olympics. “Deer’s penis,” she said, proferring a desiccated sample across the counter of the Tongrentang traditional Chinese medicine store in central Beijing.
“Mix it with some alcohol, take it every one or two days, and you’ll soon feel better,” Ms Wang, a graduate in Chinese traditional medicine, said.
When asked what her remedy contained however, Ms Wang was stumped. Therein lies a problem for Chinese authorities anxious to avoid a doping scandal during the Olympics.

Now, I freely admit that my general rule of thumb for healthy living is to mix everything with alcohol and take it for several days, but even I draw the line at desiccated deer dongs (Kangaroo Kastrati bottle openers are a favorite of THS’s, however).

Won-Ton Sailing

Now doesn’t this look inviting

BEIJING: With less than six weeks before it plays host to the Olympic sailing regatta, the city of Qingdao has mobilized thousands of people and an armada of small boats to clean up an algae bloom that is choking large stretches of the coastline and threatening to impede the Olympic competition.
Local officials have initiated an all-out effort to clean up the algae by mid-July. Media reports estimate that as many as 20,000 people have either volunteered or been ordered to participate in the operation, while 1,000 boats are scooping algae out of the Yellow Sea. The official news agency, Xinhua, reported that algae currently covered a third of the coastal waters designated for the Olympic races.
Water quality has been a concern for the sailing events, given that many coastal Chinese cities dump untreated sewage into the sea. At the same time, rivers and tributaries emptying into coastal waters are often contaminated with high levels of nitrates from agricultural and industrial runoff. These nitrates contribute to the red tides of algae that often bloom along sections of China’s coastline.

Hmm, is the proper stroke here the Butterfly or the Cuisinart?

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