Look Who Was Just Lounging Outside Instead Of Posing In The Kitchen

The International Man of Mystery

Who hates posing

But loves to give the Mopey Face

And is confident that his next meal will soon arrive

Ask and ye shall receive, ladies!

This Will Take Six Minutes of Your Life

…and probably as many Kleenixes.

A couple who are professional stormchasers will never be the same.

The Joplin tornado.

Having to Concede That

…had to have left a mark.

…The e-mails provide a revealing look at an ambitious rookie politician finding her way in the corridors of power, from small-town mayor turned governor to the surprise pick as running mate to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz). They also provide hints of the kind of chief executive that Palin might become if she were to choose to make a run for the White House and were able to secure her party’s nomination and defeat President Obama.

The messages underscore Palin’s role as a sincere budget-cutter and an opponent of pork-barrel spending, an issue with particular resonance nationally…

Thank God the WaPo didn’t spend a lot of their OWN money on the folks crawling fruitlessly up Sarah’s electronic derriere searching for the non-existent smoking gun, only to have to cough up an admission of such epic import in conflict with their initial intentions.

Now. Will they ever get around to finding out what’s IN the ObamaCare Bill and accurately characterizing that as well?

Stay tuned. But don’t do any “breath holding”.

We’re not sure you’re covered yet.

There’s a Rumor Going ‘Round That Someone Had Themselves

…a royal hissy fit a couple days back. Oh, GOD, I hope it’s true.

…Shortly after the photo-op meeting and “working lunch” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the one that saw President Obama openly chastised by the Prime Minister for Obama’s earlier public comments regarding wanting to see Israel return to its 1967 borders, the president verbally “went off” on Richard Daley in the private study area that adjoins the Oval Office. President Obama’s verbal attack was clearly heard by numerous staff up and down the West Wing hallways.

The essence of the president’s rage and embarrassment can best be summed up with him yelling out very loudly,

What the f-ck was that!?

That phrase was apparently repeated a number of times in the span of about five minutes, a time period in which Obama’s voice became “louder and louder” and culminating in Obama exclaiming, “Never again! Do you understand me? Never again!” Any response by Bill Daley back to the president, if given, was not overheard.

Can You Say “Gravy”…


How very curious if all the figures are true.

Cedar Falls, IA, City Council Decides It Wants the Keys to Your Front Door

So piss off, little persons.

Maybe I Need To Enter An Addiction Program?

As it seems that I have my own Pork Roll issues…

Odd thing about yesterday’s batch is that it looks like Mrs. Leghorn was having twins

As bad a punster as I am I must admit it has been years since I’ve been able to pull off a double yolk.

When Paco Calls…

you’d best answer

Add your voice here.

A Friday Dinner For Two

Daughter was out at a friends so I had to think of a light meal for two.

Something like say, big honkin’ ribeyes, mashed potatoes and caramelized Brussels sprouts?

Yeah, something like that.

An Important Essay From Ace

With all the sensationalism surrounding Weiner and the private messages to the 17 year old, it’s important to keep focused on the skeevy inappropriateness that went on because that’s bad enough.

But some investigations come up dry. Sure, I would have been happy — in a “aren’t I so smart?” way — if the evidence did demonstrate the maximum offense conceivable.

But it was always the case that the “manslaughter” charge was more likely. And I think by focusing on the unlikely charge, and wishing it to be true, that tends to diminish the other one.

Like, right now, Weiner’s sort of in a relatively good position if he can say “Well at least I didn’t sext a minor.”

Then that makes what he did do — which is incredibly, expulsion-level inappropriate — seem like it’s no big deal.

But it is.

Read the whole thing.

It’s vital to keep the focus on what happened and not what our lurid imaginations wished might have happened.

What The Falklands?!?

Fausta has an important and informative (as always) post as a follow-up to Sis’s post from the other day.

As they say, read the whole thing.

Ebola Sends: Music For a Friday Evening

I Would Guess the EE-Ville Monsignor

…had to comply with some sort of labor law?

The Diocese of Allentown has found itself the target of a lawsuit that claims a woman was fired for being a Muslim.

Omayma Arafa filed the federal lawsuit against the Diocese in May.

The lawsuit states Arafa, who is a Muslim from Egypt, had no problems as an employee of the Diocese until August 2008, when her supervisor changed.

In the lawsuit, Arafa said her new supervisor, a Monsignor, was not respectful of her religion. She said during Ramada in 2008 he forced her to take a lunch break, even though all she could do was sit at her desk and do nothing since she could not eat.

There’s other things in the complaint, but this leads the story and it’s about the most ridiculous crap. She couldn’t take a walk?

But that’s just me.

Your Tax Dollars

…wants to stay at work.

Weiner can’t afford to quit the DC day job

Even if scandal-stained Rep. Anthony Weiner didn’t want to stay in office, he needs to stay in office.

Unlike many of his peers in the House, Weiner doesn’t have a business or even a law degree to fall back on.

Common sense says, like most most Americans in these unsettled times, Congressman Weiner should have KNOWN his limitations job-wise and done everything possible to ensure he kept his current position. Wouldn’t you think? If he was a smart as…all that and he thinks he is, right?

But I guess he’s NOT as smart as all that, and HOW he figures he should get to stay in a $156+ a year job after doing something (with what’s looking like a 17 year old sweet thing, if Patterico’s right…) would get any garbageman in Bagdad, FL, fired in a frickin’ heartbeat?!

Force the bum out.

He can always take advantage of the myraid re-training opportunities available in the “Green Jobs” industry/weatherization programs the Obama Administration has planned to revitalize our lagging economy during this tsunami, Libya, Texas wildfires, Chicago not getting the Olympics, George Bush “rough patch” we’ve encountered. It’s SO rough that even one of the almost completely, but not quite, repaid taxpayer bailout loans resurrected American auto industry (but 85% owned by a foreign corporation) success stories company Chrysler’s vaunted Jeeps would have difficulty transporting small children over the hump, as Teh Present noted during his recent droning at said factory.

But WEATHERIZATION will see us through.

Think “stripping”, Weiner, without a nubile teenager involved or a camera at your crotch.

It’s “teh future”.

They’re Doing It For The Children

So the 600+ jobs, billions of dollars in costs, much higher utility bills for evil consumers and increased strain on our vastly over-stretched electricity grid are all worth it then

Utility giant American Electric Power said Thursday that it will shut down five coal-fired power plants and spend billions of dollars to comply with a series of pending Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

The company’s dramatic plan to comply with the regulations could give Republicans and moderate Democrats ammunition in their ongoing fight against EPA’s efforts to impose new regulations aimed at limiting greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants including mercury and arsenic.

…But EPA defended its regulations Thursday, noting that the agency has worked closely with industry to ensure that its regulations are “reasonable, common-sense and achievable.”

The agency also stressed that the regulations are essential for protecting public health.

“These reasonable steps taken under the Clean Air Act will reduce harmful air pollution, including mercury, arsenic and other toxic pollution, and as a result protect our families, particularly children,” EPA said in a statement.

Yeah, That’d Be Us

Napolitano: No “Logic” In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35

In “the best of hands”.

UPDATE: Just for shits and giggles, and JUST from teh headlines that Gabriel Malor is dumping on Twitter toDAY, grab yourself a quick peek at some religions/ages trends, would ya?

Here and here. And THESE are Americans, mind you. Can’t imagine what “non-MUSLIM folks OVER THE AGE OF 35” who are REALLY PISSED at us are planning.

Hmmm ~ Possibly a GOP Candidate major dad Could Get Behind

Craig Miller, the former head of Ruth’s Chris, was just on Cavuto dropping HUGE hints about running for President in 2012.

Really sounded as if he was going to. In fact, I’d steak a small wager on it.

Any takers? Hoof on over here now, or don’t beef about missing out later.

“Why Are You Carrying a Weasel?”

“It’s not a weasel, it’s a marten!”

That really was the punch line.

Update on the Stockton “Student Loan” S.W.A.T. or Not Raid

They’ve got a quote from a neighbor now.

A California man who initially claimed to a local television station that he was roughed up by “SWAT team” members who allegedly battered down his front door to execute a search warrant related to his estranged wife’s unpaid student loans was targeted due to an ongoing probe into alleged financial aid fraud.

…In a statement to FoxNews.com, Education Department Press Secretary Justin Hamilton confirmed that its Office of Inspector General executed the warrant with the presence of local law enforcement authorities.

“While it was reported in local media that the search was related to a defaulted student loan, that is incorrect,” the statement read. “This is related to a criminal investigation. The Inspector General’s Office does not execute search warrants for late loan payments.”

Wright later went to the offices of Stockton Mayor Ann Johnston and was then referred to the Stockton Police Department, city spokeswoman Connie Cochran told FoxNews.com.

“They busted down my door for this,” Wright told the station. “It wasn’t even me.”

One of Wright’s neighbors, a woman who identified herself only as Becky, saw the raid, which started at 6:45 a.m. and lasted until at least 10:45 a.m., she said.

They surrounded the house; it was like a task force of SWAT team,” she told the station. “They all had guns. They dragged him out in his boxer shorts, threw him to the ground and handcuffed him.”

Oddly enough, I would have though SWAT, too. And why wouldn’t you? I mean…


How’s that for a terrifying thought?

Thank God Mort’s Not a Big One For the InterWebs Reading

…or he’d be kicking and screaming to move to Uncle Bingley’s New Jersey manse. What gives with the mutant-making water up there? First Snooki, now this…?

Heavy lifting in N.J.: A 65 million-year-old sea turtle

The group of scientists had plenty of brainpower, able to identify a prehistoric shark tooth or a crocodile jaw with a casual glance.

But when you get right down to it – down being the operative word – paleontology is sometimes a matter of muscles.

Squatting in a muddy Gloucester County mine pit Wednesday afternoon, seven strong men grunted and strained and heaved until they managed to lift up their prize: a 65 million-year-old sea turtle.

“It’s beautiful,” said a weary, dirt-caked Ken Lacovara, an associate professor of biology at Drexel University.

It was also rare. Lacovara and his colleagues have tentatively identified the creature as Taphrosphys sulcatus, a turtle that lived when much of New Jersey was underwater. Measuring more than three feet across, the specimen is believed to be the largest of its kind yet found.

Mort’s thinking, “steroids”, then “cool caped outfit”.

I can see it in his beady little eyes…

He’d throw us over like yesterday’s mashed slugs.

UPDATE: Hold ON a GOTDAM minute here!!! Maybe it wasn’t news from NJ after all…

“I came back strong. Large. In charge. Tights and cape shit…” My favorite congressman<3

WEINER was SEXTING my little TURTLE?!?!?!


Jeez ~ The Awkward Stuff That Comes Out When You Lose a Country

Mubarak had another wife.

And they’re not quite sure if Wife No. 1 ever knew. Yikes.

Might save the new government some money when she finds out.

(Thanks, Sandmonkey.)

ONLY Sarah Palin Would Have the BALLS to Go After Obama

…with a post title like THIS:

Another “WTF” Obama Foreign Policy Moment

As Governor I fought the Obama Administration’s plans to cut funds for missile defense in Alaska. So imagine how appalled and surprised I was to read this article by former Clinton CIA Director James Woolsey, appropriately titled “Giving Away the Farm,” concerning President Obama’s latest bizarre actions relating to missile defense.

President Obama wants to give Russia our missile defense secrets because he believes that we can buy their friendship and cooperation with this taxpayer-funded gift. But giving military secrets and technologies to a rival or competitor like Russia is just plain dumb. You can’t buy off Russia. And giving them advanced military technology will not create stability. What happens if Russia gives this technology (or sells it!) to other countries like Iran or China? After all, as Woolsey points out, Russia helped Iran with its missile and nuclear programs. Or what happens if an even more hardline leader comes to power in the Kremlin? …

Oh, hot dog, hot DOG!

I love her. I just do.

Okay, Enough “Unexpected”

The unemployment figures are out for the week and I’ll bet you can figure out what happened, based on Captain Barftastic’s kickasstic economic jobbernaut’s results so far.

Oh, Bravo, Brave Lady!

Now, be as brave as she and PASS THE LAW.

On 7 June 2011 Baroness Cox introduced a new Bill in the House of Lords intended to outlaw the use of Sharia law where it conflicts with English law. In proposing the new Bill she said:
“Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My Bill seeks to preserve that standard. My Bill seeks to stop parallel legal, or ‘quasi-legal’, systems taking root in our nation. Cases of criminal law and family law are matters reserved for our English courts alone.

“Through these proposals, I want to make it perfectly clear in the law that discrimination against women shall not be allowed within arbitration. I am deeply concerned about the treatment of Muslim women by Sharia Courts. We must do all that we can to make sure they are free from any coercion, intimidation or unfairness. Many women say, ‘we came to this country to escape these practices only to find the situation is worse here’.”

The Bill has arisen over concerns about the discrimination suffered by Muslim women under the Sharia system. The Bill proposes to protect women by stopping discriminatory rulings that are contrary to UK law and ensuring that Sharia law does not appear to have jurisdiction where it does not….

Personally, I don’t see where Sharia has ANY right being “on the books” with English law. But the fact is, they’ve let the snake in with the hens and, if some of her compadres in Parliment can grow a similar pair, there may be hope yet for England.

(Thanks to Phineas Fahrquar for the link.)


David Cameron is not Qadaffi. But I sure wish he was Bibi Netanyahu and would tell Obama to go suck a stone…

Another slap in the face for Britain: the Obama administration sides with Argentina and Venezuela in OAS declaration on the Falklands

President Obama was effusive in his praise for the Special Relationship when he visited London recently, but his administration continues to slap Britain in the face over the highly sensitive Falklands issue. Washington signed on to a “draft declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands” passed by unanimous consent by the General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) at its meeting in San Salvador yesterday, an issue which had been heavily pushed by Argentina. In doing so, the United States sided not only with Buenos Aires, but also with a number of anti-American regimes including Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela and Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua.

The declaration calls for Argentina and Great Britain to enter into negotiations over the sovereignty of the Falklands, a position which London has long viewed as completely unacceptable. It also comes in the wake of increasing aggression by the Kirchner regime in the past 18 months, including threats to blockade British shipping in the South Atlantic…

This administration is…words escape me.

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