A Song For This Administration

(with apologies to Frank)

How little they know
How much we uncover
When Issa’s subpoenas flow
The drones start to hover

How little they understand
What caused the murder and maiming
Al Qaeda islamists
Not the video they’ve been blaming

Who cares who refined
Their talking point missives
Who cares which scapegoat resigned
How ignorant bliss is

So I’ll just recuse me
In my world that’s accurate but fake
“What difference does it make”
How little we know
How little we know
How little we know….

More Emails Dripping Out

…and poor JayJay will have some explaining to do

The documents, first reported by THE WEEKLY STANDARD in articles here and here, directly contradict claims by White House press secretary Jay Carney and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the revisions of those talking points were driven by the intelligence community and show heavy input from top Obama administration officials, particularly those at the State Department.

As somebody said on Twitter the other day: Obama called the Seals and Bin Laden died. The Seals called Obama and the Seals died.

These people in their boundless arrogance completely screwed up on protecting the folks in the mission and ignored them as they were murdered. I think that Althouse got it exactly right here when she wrote

I think he is ashamed. Here’s what I’ve been assuming happened: It looked like our people were overwhelmed and doomed, so there was shock, sadness, and acceptance. But then the fight went on for 7 or 8 hours. The White House folk decided there was nothing to do but accept the inevitable, and then they witnessed a valiant fight which they had done nothing to support. It was always too late to help. It was too late after one hour, then too late after 2 hours, then too late after 3 hours…. When were these people going to die already? After that was all over, how do you explain what you did?

This is what we need an answer to, and to hold them accountable.

A Dear Friend of Ours

…won a Republican Primary last night ~ out of a field of six ~ to face the Democratic challenger in a special election in June for the Florida House District 2.

His name is Mike Hill and he is a TREMENDOUS individual. We just adore him.

But, in another troubling sign of the times for bitter clingers in the GOP, and ESPECIALLY from my neck of the REDneck Riviera, if Mike vanquishes the foe in June?

He will be “the first black legislator to represent Northwest Florida since Reconstruction.” Indeed.

We’re just adding more H8 to the fire, we are.

But I wanted to ‘fess up to our evil deeds before they came out anyway. Ask the President how getting “caught” feels.

Smart Power Just Keeps Rolling Along!

Hey, how’s that Arab Spring working out?

Egypt Ideology Devolves Into Anarchy Amid Vendettas

…Two years into the polarizing transition from the rule of deposed President Hosni Mubarak, political movements in Egypt have shown a growing willingness to confront opponents with force or take the law into their own hands. With security weakened, the concern is that there will be no effective authority to stop them.
‘Conflict and Chaos’

“The inherent risk is that the state is eroding and the alternatives that are emerging are steeped in conflict and chaos,” said Ashraf el-Sherif, a political science lecturer at the American University in Cairo. “Part of the agenda of some of these groups is to deter other political groups, so the possibility of a confrontation becomes real.”

Yeah, about as well as everything else The Adults have done.

Perhaps The Mets Should Sign Him

They’ve done far worse

Jolita Brettler, aged nine, who has been receiving coaching lessons from Harlem RBI for the past two years, was impressed with Harry’s batting skills.

She said: “All of us were like ‘is that a bird or is that a ball?’. I didn’t think anyone could swing that fast – he hit that thing out, all of us were like ‘wow’. “Who thinks that a Prince is going to play baseball? Princes are usually in castles or doing something important.”

He’s got the Common Touch in spades.

Unlike that total dorktastic father of his.

Your “Holy CRAP!!!” of the day

Yeah. He DID that.

Why Are They Monitoring News Organizations?

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s HOW they’re monitoring them…and what.

Bush, BushBushBush SIDESHOW!!!

Drudge Goes All In

Lots and lots of links as people suddenly discover what’s been going on in DC

Who could have possibly suspected that if you give unaccountable bureaucrats lots of power they will abuse it?

Not News, But


Not a Two Way Street With This Guy

And from Ace via Geraghty:

I hope Obama sees that. It’ll stick in his craw.

Tickles me to death.

The WWII Invasion Of US Soil

Via Ace, we find that the “staff planners whose-wisdom-shall-not-be-questioned” as usual couldn’t plan their way out of an empty field but the troops once again pulled it off

“The cold, damp Aleutian weather was far different from the warm California beaches they had just left. Because of shortages in cold weather equipment, moreover, most of the men would enter combat wearing normal field gear. While senior commanders realized that the troops would suffer from the weather, most believed that within three days the fight for Attu would be over, particularly since the assembled naval support for the landings included three battleships along with several cruisers and destroyers.”

Underestimating the weather, the enemy and the terrain ended up costing many American casualties during the 18-day assault.

God bless ’em.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Hhow ’bout a little Sharyl Attkisson on C-SPAN this morning?

Now I’m Not Sure That Getting a GED

…should have “educational” anywhere in the title.

WASHINGTON, May 10, 2013 ? Adult basic education and GED programs, with about 800,000 students taking GED tests each year, serve a segment of society that escaped government schools, including many homeschoolers. But the national propaganda effort called the Common Core Curriculum is spreading its tentacles to them.

While many may not take the GED seriously, calling it the “Good Enough Diploma,” consider that quite a few homeschoolers take GED tests as a way to cancel out high school attendance requirements and lessen the record-keeping burden on home educators caused by compulsory attendance laws in every state.

Thus, aligning GED with Common Core has the potential of erasing all the efforts and sacrifices the homeschooling parents have put in to protect their children from the centralized indoctrination.

“What’s he talking about”, you ask? What a doozy of an example he pulls from this GED test preparatory set, called the “GED Scoreboost™” series:

…Below is an excerpt from a larger Social Studies Extended Response, found on page 52 from Writing Across the Tests: Responding to Text on the Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science Test, entitled, “Does Foreign Aid Really Help?”

Those who support sending aid to poor countries do so because poor countries often have high levels of poverty, poor educational systems, an ineffective police and judicial force, and limited public services such as healthcare, transportation networks, and banking systems. They believe that when living conditions are this poor, crime levels tend to be higher. Poorer countries, because they have weak governments, often have areas that attract terrorist groups because no one is there to stop them from pursuing those types of activities. Thus, poor countries are often home to terrorist groups that are free to plan and carry out attacks on the rich, industrialized nations, without fear of being stopped. This is in fact [bold words are mine] what happened on 9/11 when terrorists from Afghanistan hijacked planes and carried out attacks on the United States. In this case, the terrorists originated in a country that had received large amounts of foreign aid from rich countries. Apparently, it didn’t work.

Whoa. DOG.

Read the whole article. Gobschmacking.

Quote of teh Day

THEME of the Foreseeable Future:

Wake up and smell the Chicago.


Stylistic Change

Remember these words: “a direct result…of the video.”

Oh You Paranoid Right-Wing Extremists!

Man, it was really tiring hearing you complain that you were being targeted by the government and intimidated by the IRS solely because of your views.

Oh, and by the way, our bad

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service is apologizing for inappropriately flagging conservative political groups for additional reviews during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.

Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, said organizations that included the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews.

Nothing to see here, move right along.

I’m sure this will be front page news at CNN, the NYT, MSNBC, etc.

ths update: And the weekend “Hope NO ONE READS THIS!” dump:

AP Exclusive: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) – A federal watchdog’s upcoming report says senior Internal Revenue Service officials knew agents were targeting tea party groups in 2011.

The disclosure contradicts public statements by former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, who repeatedly assured Congress that conservative groups were not targeted.

I believe teh “Theme of the Foreseeable Future” is posted just above.

For Those Who Don’t “See” The Cover-Up

Here is an excellent report from ABC detailing the changes demanded by State and the White House, which ultimately led to

After that meeting, which took place Saturday morning at the White House, the CIA drafted the final version of the talking points – deleting all references to al Qaeda and to the security warnings in Benghazi prior to the attack.

and they helpfully provide the actual evolving points here, so you can read for yourself what they say didn’t happen.

As someone said either on twitter or a blog: Bush believes CIA, CIA turns out to be wrong, Bush is worse than Hitler. Obama/Hillary over-rule/ignore CIA, CIA turns out to be correct, yawn.

When Editors Sleep…

…bad things can happen.

Speaking Of The Weather

Somewhere AlGore is sobbing quietly atop his $200 million pile of moolah

The USA in the past 12 months has seen the fewest number of tornadoes since at least 1954, and the death tolls from the dangerous storms have dropped dramatically since 2011.

A Gorgeous Morning Here In Lower Manhattan

Bright sun, warm temps, and at 5:45 am as I strolled down Vesey the construction workers gave a thumbs up to the seersucker suit I am totally stylin’ today.

I’m in a great mood, whistling a happy tune and just waiting for that train to hit…

Ted Cruz’s Twitter Feed Demonstrates Why Harry Reid Says Mean Things About Him


Oh, you’re KILLING me, Smalls!

He Had It On “Vibrate”

Musta missed that 3 a.m. call, thinking it it was Michelle’s snores shaking the bed. Didn’t she know he had a big fundraiser in Vegas next day?

The big Benghazi mystery: Where was Obama while 4 Americans perished?

…The Benghazi consulate was totally unsecured and unprepared, despite area terrorist attacks and months-long urgings of security personnel and Stevens himself.
In fact, a month before 9/11 when two security personnel used their weapons to fight off terrorist carjackers, most of the Special Ops security forces were ordered out of the country.

The first and last contact Hicks in Tripoli had with Stevens that night was an interrupted cellphone call in which the ambassador said, “Greg, we’re under attack!” No mention of any protest demonstration.

A special joint team of FBI-CIA-Defense-State crisis experts was ordered not to deploy to Benghazi.

Twelve hours after the U.S. Embassy wall in Cairo was stormed, no contingency military forces were prepared to assist there or anywhere else in the region. The nearest F-16’s in Italy were not even on alert and had no refueling tankers nearby.

As the four remaining Special Ops troops in-country boarded a Libyan C-130 to rush to help in Benghazi, someone ordered their colonel to stand down.

…What we don’t know is where the hell was the commander-in-chief all-night while two former SEALs, a communications specialist and the first U.S. ambassador in three decades were being murdered on-duty six time zones away.

We do know that then Secy. of Defense Leon Panetta claims Obama instructed him in the early evening of 9/11 to do everything necessary to protect Americans and embassies abroad.

We also know now that “everything” wasn’t really anything at all.

Spineless Chickens!

Taste pretty darn good, actually.


(although I admit it really is rather…nasty looking)

flatten the bugger out and merrily salt before grilling


oh and don’t forget the oven-roasted brussel sprouts!


On This Day In History, 1781, Begins the “Battle of Pensacola”, Where Unheralded General Bernardo de Gálvez of Spain

throws a monkey wrench in the works and darned if he didn’t wind up saving us.

On to Pensacola
His next target was Pensacola, the capital of West Florida. However, due to several hurricanes and storms, he had to wait until the next March to attack this target. Pensacola had a narrow entrance to its bay, and this entrance was guarded by a British fort. The first Spanish ship was fired upon and ran aground. The rest of the fleet retreated back to sea. Gálvez was head of the ground forces, but for this campaign Havana had sent Admiral José Calbo de Irazabel to be in charge of the navy. Gálvez kept urging the admiral to press the attack, but the admiral kept making excuses.

Gálvez knew that the British fleet was on its way, so he decided to take the matter into his own hands. He took his own four ships, hoisted his personal flag in the lead ship, stood on the prow with his sword raised, and ordered a 15-gun salute fired as he led his ships through the pass.

When the rest of the fleet saw this daring move, they urged the admiral to give the order to follow. Still, Irazabel hesitated. Finally he told the other captains, “Do whatever you want.” The other ships followed Gálvez. Irazabel returned to Cuba and was never heard from again.

After two months of fighting, the British finally surrendered in May 1781. The Battle of Pensacola was one of the longest battles of the American Revolution; yet, it rarely appears in our history books.

In July 1781 British troops began to arrive in Yorktown, the final engagement of the war. Think how much impact Gálvez and his troops had. Not only had he kept the British occupied on a second front throughout the war, but also imagine how much impact the loss of Pensacola had on the number of troops and ships the British could send to Yorktown. Imagine what course the American Revolution might have taken without the help of this able Spanish general.

Ol Black Water, Keep On Rollin’

This morning’s sudden deluge has washed some rather lurvly looking goo into the Hudson


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