I Guess the VRWC Went After Him, Too

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Boeing Co. Monday said it fired Chief Executive Harry Stonecipher, after a probe into a personal relationship he had with a female executive that it said “reflected poorly” on the No. 1 U.S. aircraft maker.
Weird the difference corporate office or Oval office makes when it comes to keeping your day job.
The Marine Corps would be showing Major Dad or any other Marine the door, with punitive action attached, for even the inference of ‘conduct unbecoming’. The indiscriminate witchhunt among senior officers by the US Senate during all phases of the Clinton disgrace was a source of much wrath and indignation to members of the Armed Services. Tremendous injustices were done to good people, by the same righteous Boxer types braying about the difference between a person’s private life and public position.

A Horrible Mistake…

And an attention whore.
Via Ken we get a great post from Baldilocks about the terrible accident that occured this weekend in Iraq. I feel deep sympathy for the family of Nicola Calipari who was killed, but for this “journalist” Giuliana Sgrena I feel nothing but disgust.
An un-embedded journalist who went to Iraq to sniff around and stir up shit for her communist paper back home, she was snatched up by terrorists a month ago. Aside form the many millions spent by the Italian Government as it fretted over her safety there are indications that the government also paid as much as $10 million ransom. How many roadside bombs will that buy? How many thousands of Iraqi citizens may die now because of you Giuliana? Your self-serving description of Nicola’s death (“Nicola threw himself on to protect me and then suddenly I heard his last breath as he died on top of me”) makes me want to vomit; his blood is literally on your hands but all you can think of is yourself and your agenda:

Speaking from her hospital bed where she is being treated, Sgrena told Sky Italia TV it was possible the soldiers had targeted her because Washington opposes Italy’s dealings with kidnappers that may include ransom payments.
“The United States doesn’t approve of this (ransom) policy and so they try to stop it in any way possible.”

No we don’t approve of it you stupid little idiot because it will lead to hundreds, if not thousands, of deaths. And you and your stupid, outdated ideas and agenda are not worth our time to ‘target.’
Let me assure you, signora, that if our soldiers had decided to target you there wouldn’t be enough left to make one helping of bolognese.
*update – THS let me know (between bites of birthday cake) that Captain Ed’s on this too.
*update – Michelle Malkin has a good round up as well.

Tender Harvard Souls, Part II

Further to what THS posted below, what really struck me about this whole “issue” was the way it was first reported by the Harvard Crimson:

After some students were offended by Jada Pinkett Smith’s comments at Saturday’s Cultural Rhythms show, the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, and Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA) and the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations have begun working together to increase sensitivity toward issues of sexuality at Harvard.
Students said that some of Pinkett Smith’s remarks concerning appropriate gender roles were specific to heterosexual relationships.
In a press release circulated yesterday by the BGLTSA—and developed in coordination with the Foundation—the BGLTSA called for an apology from the Foundation and encouraged future discussion of the issue.

Now, ignoring for a moment the blatant descrimination that the BGLTSA is showing towards Lesbian Gorillas and Plushies, if you possibly can, and believe me I know it is difficult and frankly hard to accept, this ‘issue’ and the grievences that these students air are capture perfectly so much of what is wrong with universities today. These poor coddled little dears spend four years (at least) as supposed ‘adults’ having every little pea in their collective mattresses legislated away by an administration and a mindset that has been so successful at “increas(ing) sensitivity” that the slightest utterances from people lead to “crises” which need to be negotiated and discussed and apologies must be issued and genuflections, er, genuflected or however one does that.

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Happy Birthday Tree Hugging Sister!

You arriving and the Alamo falling…hell of a day.

Bill Maher and Ward

Jeff Jarvis watched the “interview” that Bill Maher had with Ward Churchill. All I can say is Oh My God. What a completely offensive and simply incredibly vile show. After reading Jeff’s comments, and those of Democracy Guy (who very correctly states “I’m not sure my skin has ever crawled as much as it did when I watched Bill Maher “interview” University of Colorado “Professor” Ward Churchill.”), I made the mistake of following the link and watching the video myself. Next time I will follow his advice.
I couldn’t sit through all of it. But what amazes me is why does Maher even bother having Churchill on? Ward comes off like a mumbly-bumbly maroon who sits there so Maher can recite his case for why americans should be slaughtered. According to Maher America has killed some 30-odd million people at least (I frankly got lost with all the numbers he was force-feeding Ward, who by the way was just so awful I almost felt bad for the guy) so we deserve to be the charter member of some “9-11 of the Month Club” I guess.
If you really want to see it, the video is here. And make sure to read the comments there as well, as most are defending Maher. But you have been warned.
(all the many other Ward and Co. posts can be found here.)

Excuse me sir, is this the ladies room?

I’m still reeling from the current…insensitive climate at Harvard. At least they’re trying to right the ship.

Ms. Pinkett Smith’s stumble is a reminder of how hard it can be to be sensitive. Who at Harvard would have thought, until BGLTSA brought it to their attention, that bathrooms labeled “men” and “women” can create an atmosphere of hostility and fear for some people?
The next speaker at the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Racial Relations may have a better chance of getting it right. On Tuesday, the BGLTSA issued a document saying that the foundation “will make a statement of apology about the incident.” Acknowledging that the foundation “had not reviewed Pinkett Smith’s speech in advance and was not responsible for her words,” the BGLTSA said that the foundation “pledges to take responsibility to inform future speakers that they will be speaking to an audience diverse in race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender and class.”

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The Wrong Approach To Ward

Insta links to a column in the Rocky Mountain News by Mike Rosen which to my reading strikes several wrong notes on the scandal. While I fully agree that campus speech codes and the like need to be abolished, what we don’t need is to set up hiring quotas for conservative professors or set up anti-liberal universities. That’s just as bad as what is done now. What needs to happen is for universities and faculty to admit their bias and base hiring and decisions upon teaching ability and scholarship and to develop minimum standards of accountability for tenured faculty and enforce them. Teach a class occasionally? Check. Advise some undergraduates occasionally? Check. That sort of stuff. A segregated university system is in no one’s interest.
(yes, yes another Ward post)

A Needed Reminder To The Supreme Court

I haven’t posted anything on the recent SCOTUS decision in Roper v Simmons because, well, Volokh just does it better than I possibly could (go figure). But the issue of the US Supreme Court relying on foreign courts in their decisions bothers me a hell of a lot.
That’s why I was very happy to run across this post over at Literal Barrage on this very issue that I agree with 100%. It is completely inexcusable for foreign courts to exercise influence in our court system, and this branch of the government needs to be clearly reminded of this constitutional fact.
*Of course, Iowahawk provides the clearest commentary of all.

Male Teenage Fantasies Come Crashing Down

Well, with all these cases popping up of teenage boys being abused by their teachers:

some guys were starting to think that maybe they’d like to go back to 8th grade.
Gentlemen, it is my solemn duty to confront you with reality:

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So Hoos Gonna Be Virginia’s Next Coach?

Man, we stink. I mean, we’ve always sucked wind at football, but I could always count on the basketball team to get us through the winter.
But now?

Pleasant Surprise to the Upside

262,000 jobs created in February, handily beating forecasters’ predictions. And Marfa is free at last. Oil’s dropped seven cents. What a rosy, rosy start to the weekend. It’s a good thing.

Gee, If Only We’d Waited…

Proving once again that we read Playboy solely for the interviews ladies, Vodkapundit takes a look at Peter Arnett’s latest bowel movement which makes the claim that kind, gentle Uday was just about to kick out dear old dad and reestablish the flower of Babylonian civilization when Hallibushy pulled the rug out from under him. Damn blundering Yanqui Cowboy!
To help us fully appreciate the magnitude of this loss, Vodkapundit kindly gives us some of the highlights of Uday’s resume. I’m sure the Iraqi people would have prefered his rule to their present purple-fingered degredation.
As the man says, go read it.

Not Sure I’d List That…

Blue Eyed Infidel has a post up on this lady:

Now, I’m not terribly familiar with her body of work, but there is one thing on her resume that caught my eye…
(fixed the html. dopey me)

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Somewhere For You to Wear Your Sod Off Swampy T !!

This festive gathering was mentioned by a British mate of Bingster’s, concerned wearing his while attending might cause unintentional emotional harm. (Hint:Scroll allll the way down to the sponsors on the bottom of the page. Yup. That’s them.)As I assured him, your

Sod Off Swampy T might get stained or torn, but you’re safe. They throw paint, not punches. Hell, I think we should all go.

Fossett’s Almost There!

This is just too cool. But can someone clue CNN in that Magellan didn’t circumnavigate the globe?
As anyone who listens to the Animaniacs knows:
Yakko: They sailed due west
To the Philippine Islands
Magellan was pleased
As the natives drew near
But then someone shouted
YW+D : I think they’re attacking!
Yakko: Magellan said…
Mglln: …What?
Yakko: And got hit by a spear

YW+D : Whoopie ti-yi-yo
Farewell, Magellan
You almost made it
It’s really not fair
Whoopie ti-yi-yo
Oh, ghost of Magellan
The East Indies islands
Were right over there.

Some People Have Too Much Time On Their Hands

And I’m not sure if that refers to the folks who made these for us LOTR fans:
or Crusader who found them…

The Empire Strikes Back

Insta links to a Rockey Mountain News column about a piece by Ward Churchill’s replacement as Chair of the Ethnic Studies Dept. at CU, Emma Perez, that appears in Counter Punch. I have several comments. Firstly, if the quality and tone of the RMN column are indicative of the quality of their service as a whole, I would subscribe in a heartbeat (if I didn’t live in NJ and not really lose much sleep over being out of the loop on Rocky Mountain issues); it’s quite excellent.
Secondly, let’s look at her article, “A Neocon Test Case for Academic Purges: The Attacks on Ward Churchill.”
(Previous posts on this topic here, here, here (sort of), here, here, here, here, and finally here. geesh…I had no idea)

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Quick Prayers for Australian Friends

Seems there’s been a big shaker just off the coast. 7.2 can rock your world.

Oh Domino…

Y’ah know, who’d a thunk ol’ Chimpy would get the domino-effect to work for us?

More Ward Stuff

David Kopel has an excellent post up at Volokh that provides a great summation of the fraud that is Ward Churchill. As I’ve noted before, the real scandal here is not what he’s said but that he was given tenure.
Here is Churchill’s faculty page. Please notice the title: “Professor”
Now what does the CU Faculty Handbook have to say about this?

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Syria Seeing The Light?

Vodkapundit has some hot news from Syria:
A beer to the first person who can say with a straight face “This has nothing to do with the WoT”.

Let Me Get This Straight…

Troubled youths suffering from Post-Modern Parking Ennui have decided that their therapy should consist of jumping between buildings 80′ high, and when their therapy fails to…take hold they are suing the city. Now, ignoring for a moment the awful typos and editing in the article (hey, I make tons of typos and editing errors, but I don’t get paid to publish stuff. Geesh, where the heck are their editors?) and work with me on the last line:
The family says that’s not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life.
Um, what about the garage jumper taking some responsibility and realizing that maybe, just maybe jumping between 2 buildings 80′ high might not be the best thing to do on a slow day?
I wonder if Andrea’s going to sneek over there and pull down a fence or two to get her homies their Darwin Awards…

Because of Winn-Dixie

If you recognize anyone, adjust their attitudes immediately.

Cashiering Tips 101
I’m your friendly checker. Maybe you call me “the cashier” or “check out girl/lady/register bimbo/whore/missy. I’m a relatively normal person who, for some reason or other, whether it be severe low career expectations, a second job to make up for my insurmountable credit card bills, or to just fuel my alcohol habit, has the relentless task of checking you and your groceries out. I thought maybe some guidelines were in order, to clarify my miserable existence while working my shift.

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