Send Him To Libya

Madoff has cancer?

Bernard Madoff, convicted of swindling $65 billion through the biggest-ever Ponzi scheme, has told fellow prison inmates that he is dying of cancer, the New York Post reported on Monday, citing unnamed prison sources.

Madoff, 71, who since June has been serving a 150-year sentence at a North Carolina federal prison, has been telling fellow inmates he does not have much longer to live, the Post said, citing the unofficial and unusual sources.

If this is true then I’m sorry he won’t be able to serve out his full prison term.

Nothing’s Ever What It Seems, Is It?

Go to dinner with David Geffen…suddenly become a rampaging anti-digital piracy crusader.

Go to dinner with Saif Gaddafi (yes, son of that Gaddafi)…suddenly a terminal mass murderer goes home to a rousing welcome.

The rich powerful are different.

Lord Mandelson met Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son at a Corfu villa only a week before the announcement that the perpetrator of the Lockerbie bombing could be released from prison, it was revealed today.

It also emerged that the business secretary met a leading Hollywood critic of illegal filesharing at the same location just days before launching a crackdown on internet piracy.

Mandelson came under fire following his stay at the Greek property of the Rothschild family in Corfu, where he was invited as part of a wider annual gathering of influential people, according to the Financial Times.

Going Garbo Seems an Odd Choice

…for a guy who never seems to be OFF my TV screen for less than 45 minutes…every freakin’ day.

President Barack Obama and his family began a weeklong vacation on this Massachusetts island with a message to the reporters who have crowded the New England villages: Chill out and don’t expect much.

Pleading for privacy, the White House said Obama would have no public events while vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard with his family and close friends.

I vant to be left alone, too, Mr. Precedent. So, by all means, give the network cameras (and US) a rest, why doncha?

Lord knows we need it more than you.

Scots Whae WTF?!?!?

I have so far not commented on the release by Scotland of the bastard convicted in the Pan-Am bombing because it has just infuriated me beyond any measure of coherency. Hopefully this act of petulant folly by their ministers will cause a big backlash against the SNP.

If I write anything else it will quickly degenerate into expletives.

Man, Did We Ever Dodge A Bullet!

Just imagine how screwed up we would be right now if that religious wacko Palin had gotten elected! I mean, just look at the stuff she said just the other day:

“We are God’s partners in matters of life and death”

Ever hear of the “Separation of Church and State,” you fly-over hick? And you’re such a right-wing fascist you’d probably hear Nazi music in your empty head when ever you see a Jew, too.

Oops. My bad.

In a morning conference call with about 1000 rabbis from across the nation, Obama asked for aid: “I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform,” the President told the group, according to Rabbi Jack Moline, who tweeted his way through the phoner.

“We are God’s partners in matters of life and death,” Obama went on to say, according to Moline’s real-time stream.

The 15-minute morning briefing was sponsored by the Religion Action Center of Reform Judaism, and included rabbis of all persuasions. Although the RAC hosts the call each year, participants had never before heard from a sitting president.

What stood out about the call is that Obama “is a master communicator,” Moline, the rabbi of the Conservative Agudas Achim Congregation in Alexandria, said in an interview after the call ended.

Yes, he’s such a “Master Communicator”

Eyebrows were also raised by the choice of hold music that played to rabbis before the call began.

“First mistake,” Moline tweeted, as he waited for the call to begin. “Music on hold is ‘Deutschland uber Alles,’ ” a classical German anthem, the lyrics to which in part say, “Preserve and protect our Kaiser, our land.”

Funny, nobody I’ve ever met has associated “Deutschland Übar Alles” with the Kaiser...

How Lame

Seriously, Dude: it’s because you’re unqualified and unprepared that your approval ratings suck

ALBANY – Gov. Paterson blamed a racist media Friday for trying to push him out of next year’s election – launching into an angry rant that left even some black Democrats shaking their heads.

“The whole idea is to get me not to run in the primary,” Paterson complained on a morning radio show hosted by Daily News columnist Errol Louis.

He suggested that Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, the country’s only other African-American governor, also is under fire because of his race.

“We’re not in the post-racial period,” Paterson said.

“The reality is the next victim on the list – and you can see it coming – is President Barack Obama, who did nothing more than trying to reform a health care system.”

You have about as much executive experience…and ability…as Obama, I’ll grant you that.

And the results speak for themselves.

I’d Love to Spend My Friday With You Guys

…but the Big Easy calleth and we must obey. (Shut up, Skyler. Don’t even start.)

Stimulus Success!

For the Government payroll

…The report also revealed that through the end of June that stimulus money created or saved 796 jobs, with 700 of those state workers who did not have to get laid off thanks to the federal grants, Fitch said.

Pardon me whilst I step out to retch.

The VRW Conspiracy Redux

Now you might think in this Great Post Racial Era that that was so resoundingly ushered in via the Greatest Sweeping Changeaholic Mandate Of All Time (with, er, um a whopping 52% of the vote) we would be beyond blaming Minorities for the One’s failures. The Democrats control the House 257 to 178; the Senate effectively 60 to 40. They can do what they want; they do not need a single republican vote to enact their Agenda Of Doom.

So, naturally, when they have trouble on an issue the Whiner In Chief blames the Minority Party

President Obama took to the conservative airwaves Thursday to charge that Republican leaders are engaged in a vast right-wing conspiracy to kill health care reform in order to repeat the 1994 mid-term takeover of Congress, which followed the defeat of President Clinton’s reform plan.

“I think early on, a decision was made by the Republican leadership that said, ‘Look, let’s not give him a victory, maybe we can have a replay of 1993, ’94, when Clinton came in, he failed on health care and then we won in the mid-term elections and we got the majority. And I think there are some folks who are taking a page out that playbook,” the president said.

The guy is just really starting to flail about. Have you listened to any of the clips lately from this Most Golden Tongued Orator Ever? There’s more “ums” and “ahs” than you’d hear from a 5th Grader in the Principal’s office.

I mean, who could have possibly predicted* that a guy who had no executive experience in his life and no business experience in his life would turn out to totally suck at being an executive?

*aside from that pesky 48% who live in Gunclingyland, naturally.

You Know the Ad With the Pony?

The one where the brunette, first little girl gets a plastic one, while the BLONDE gets a real, silky one?

That happens more often than you would think.

John Edwards will move the mother of his love child into his North Carolina neighborhood so he can help raise their 18-month-old baby, the National Enquirer reported Wednesday.

The Enquirer also reported that Elizabeth Edwards, who is stricken with cancer, was furious when her husband told her of his parenting plans.

If I were Elizabeth, I’d be, like, “You can KEEP the real one. I’ll take a BIG FAT check, the house and whatever else I figure me ‘n the kids need.” Grow a pair, girlfriend. You been had.

Speaking of Lying SumBitches

…here’s the AP this morning.

NEW YORK – The images are striking: One congressman’s office defaced by a swastika, other congressmen heckled at public meetings, videos and placards likening Barack Obama to Hitler, private citizens with guns joining anti-Obama protests.

Outside one meeting hosted by Sen. Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, authorities detained a man with a sign reading, “Death To Obama, Death To Michelle And Her Two Stupid Kids.”

In this season of searing political heat generated by the health care debate, these incidents have raised divisive questions of their own.

Are they simply the latest twists in a long tradition of vigorous, public engagement or evidence of some new, alarming brand of political virulence?

Hate, if it ever truly threatened to leave the political stage, is most definitely back, larger and nastier than ever,” University of Missouri journalism professor Charles Davis wrote this week in his local paper, the Columbia Daily Tribune. He urged the media to put a spotlight on the hate, rather than ignore it.

You people are a bunch o’ dangerous hater hater WHACKJOBS, ya know? Thank God we’ve got the press making sure the real story gets out, not just what the foaming mobs want said. There’s a word that covers this here media situation…now, what was it…? Oh, yeah.

Offered Without Comment

…because I think my “ASSHOLES!” quotient for the week is spent.

BOSTON – A cancer-stricken Sen. Edward M. Kennedy has written a poignant letter to Massachusetts leaders asking that they change state law to allow a speedy replacement of him in Congress.

…The letter acknowledges the state changed its succession law in 2004 to require a special election within five months to fill any vacancy. At the time, legislative Democrats — with a wide majority in both chambers — were concerned because then-Republican Gov. Mitt Romney had the power to directly fill any vacancy created as Democratic Sen. John Kerry ran for president.

Yep. I appeared to have used all those free “ASSHOLES!” up. Burned right through em. I am composing a poignant letter to Bingley deman asking that he allow me more *^#$^*#@!!! expletives, considering the uncertain times and plethora of “ASSHOLES!!” involved in destroying our way of life.

More Government Reaching

Turning up the heat via legal bullying, some might say extortion, House Democrats are demanding scapegoats

Some leading Democrats are questioning the way the health insurance industry compensates its highest-paid employees, as well as some recently announced rate increases.

Two Democrats responsible for shaping health care legislation sent a letter (PDF) Monday to various insurance companies, the Wall Street Journal reports, asking for detailed information about executive pay, company events, retreats and other business practices.

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and committee member Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) say in the letter that the committee is “examining executive compensation and business practices in the health insurance industry.”

The letter asks each company to identify employees compensated more than $500,000 in any year from 2003 to 2008, as well as information on how those employees were compensated. It also asks for board member compensation, each companies’ total revenues, net income, dividend payments, premium revenue, claims payments and other information. The congressmen requested a response from the companies by mid-September.

My response would be unprintable on a family-friendly site such as this, but it’s clear what they are doing: dig, distort, divert and demonize. It’s how they do things, backed with the threatened cudgel of legislative retribution. Hell, they admit as much:

The letters represent the latest example of Democrats painting the insurance industry in a negative light in order to promote its health reform push.

“They are the villains in this,” Pelosi said of the insurance industry in a July press conference. “They have been part of the problem in a major way.”
President Obama has also assailed insurance companies for reaping “windfall profits from a broken system.”

The all-out assault on business continues. As John Marshall said

The power to tax is the power to destroy.

Little did he realize that it was our liberty and democracy that would be getting destroyed.

Update: Of course, since since our exalted Government Leaders are immune to the baser impulses that they decry in private industry, I’m sure this is purely coincidence

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama’s push for a national health care overhaul is providing a financial windfall in the election offseason to Democratic consulting firms that are closely connected to the president and two top advisers.

Coalitions of interest groups running at least $24 million in pro-overhaul ads hired GMMB, which worked for Obama’s 2008 campaign and whose partners include a top Obama campaign strategist. They also hired AKPD Message and Media, which was founded by David Axelrod, a top adviser to Obama’s campaign and now to the White House. AKPD did work for Obama’s campaign, and Axelrod’s son Michael and Obama’s campaign manager David Plouffe work there.

Nothing to see here, folks. MoveOn along.

Smartest, Most Expert Government Evah

Remember, these are the people who want to take over, what is it, some 15% of the US economy, and put it under government control and mandate. They want their panel of ‘experts’ to decide on how your care is managed…because they, of course, know better than you. An interesting window into just how expert they are can be found by looking at their much-touted “Cash For Clunkers” Plan:

NEW YORK (AP) – Hundreds of auto dealers in the New York area have withdrawn from the government’s Cash for Clunkers program, citing delays in getting reimbursed by the government, a dealership group said Wednesday.

The Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association, which represents dealerships in the New York metro area, said about half its 425 members have left the program because they cannot afford to offer more rebates. They’re also worried about getting repaid.

… The program offers up to $4,500 to shoppers who trade in vehicles getting 18 mpg or less for a more fuel-efficient car or truck. Dealers pay the rebates out of pocket, then must wait to be reimbursed by the government. But administrative snags and heavy paperwork have created a backlog of unpaid claims.

Schienberg said the group’s dealers have been repaid for only about 2 percent of the clunkers deals they’ve made so far.

Many dealers have said they are worried they won’t get repaid at all, while others have waited so long to get reimbursed they don’t have the cash to fund any more rebates, Schienberg said.

This is a very simple program with few options to complicate the reimbursement process; nothing at all compared to the incredibly complex pricing levels that this health care program would entail…and much smaller by a factor of several thousand.

“But it’s in the hands of this enormous bureaucracy and regulatory agency,” he added. “If they don’t get out of their own way, this program is going to be a huge failure.”

Transportation Sec. Lahood, in the typical Government response of “we’re not at fault; it’s the private citizen’s fault”, said

LaHood blamed the holdups on incorrectly completed paperwork from dealers and insufficient staff at the Transportation Department to process the repayment applications.

“Many of the applications are faulty and we have to send them back,” LaHood told reporters after the press conference. “As soon as we get a good application, we send the check out.”

Right here is your preview of how this Administration would handle running health care. “Sorry, you filled out the form wrong, so no funds are available for your surgery. Bummer.”

As the auto dealer’s Mr. Scienberg says

“We have never seen these kinds of numbers, percentages of paperwork that’s being rejected,” he said today in an interview. “If you’re seeing 85 percent, maybe it’s your system that’s creating the problem and not in the retailers.”

This health care Obamanation much be defeated, folks. It must be.

Update: Insta finds the same tale in New Mexico:

THEY CAN’T HANDLE THIS, BUT THEY’LL HANDLE HEALTHCARE? Dealers stiffed as clunkers pile up. “Some New Mexico auto dealers have backed out of the cash-for-clunkers program and more may do so as the federal government takes its time providing cash reimbursements. Dealers across the state are owed more than $3.6 million, according to a dealers’ group which says that so far Uncle Sam has only written three checks totaling about $14,000.”

(Emphasis added). They promised FedEx, but they’re delivering the Post Office.

The Surf Will Be Up This Weekend At The Shore

Bill will be passing by. Several idiots will swim…and drown.


And then Nova Scotia’s gonna get a whoopin’.

Damn you Chimpy!

I’m Not Sure HOW THS Could Post The Picture Below

And not post the video:

We also like marmots.

And cheese.

Most Unintentionally (?) Hilarious Link Line of the Day

Via Drudge:

PEW: Democratic Party ratings plummet…

He’s right. They stink.

Excuse Me, Sir

Could I have what’s left of my ass back?

Thing q.



TOMORROW at 8 EST/7 Central on Lifetime.


Explaining the ObamaCare Effect

…In other words, the rodents were now cognitively predisposed to keep doing the same things over and over, to run laps in the same dead-ended rat race rather than seek a pipeline to greener sewers.

Okay, schmaybe not that bad…but damn near, all things considered.

“Just what is the world coming tae?”

An interview with everyone’s favorite baggage handler

Best of luck, Smeato.

Freedom Of Assembly?

I don’t see how this can possibly be upheld

(AP) — PATERSON, N.J. – Curfews might not be just for kids anymore in one city in northern New Jersey.

Officials in Paterson are considering one for people of all ages in a bid to curb violence after a spate of deadly shootings.

Several experts say they believe it would be the nation’s first curfew of its type to include adults. The state ACLU says it would open Paterson to legal action.

The curfew would last for two months and would bar people from loitering outside from midnight to 7 a.m. Violators would face up to a $2,000 fine and 90 days in jail.


From the “Give It a FREAKIN’ REST Already, Why Doncha?!?!”


Brett Favre Signs With Vikings

Your Tax Dollars

at work, ensuring future energy independence for…Brazil.

Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.

Adieu, Sweet Prince

…of Darkness.

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