Word of the Day

quincunx \KWIN-kunks\ noun
: an arrangement of five things in a square or rectangle with one at each corner and one in the middle

And I do NOT want to see this used in a sentence, especially by Mr. Summers…

Back to Business

MSNBC.com has finally caught up to the trendsetting Major Dad fiefdom.

ALBANY, N.Y. – A line of taps pouring elegant brews from Bass to Blue Moon beckon twentysomethings packed into Bomber’s bar. But 21-year-old Elliot Cunniff orders something homier for himself and a friend.
“Two Yuenglings,” he tells the bartender, explaining the attraction after a sip from his pint glass.
“Price. Color. Flavor,” he says. “And the name alone, ‘ying-ling,'”

We’ve been quaffing copious swills of this particular bottle of ambrosia for years now. The country’s oldest brewery (1829), great story and yummyyummyyumyum! (Anheuser-Busch is being a bit disingenuous in their current ad campaigns.) One more painless reason to buy American.


Welcome to my world…
UPDATE:…and EYE. For what we failed to receive, we are truly thankful. For those of you rumbling in the feeder bands, keep your heads down and know our prayers are with you. I am tickled to death that my one and only attempt at Hurricane blogging has thus far been a bust and I can well do without any further practice. All in all, a delightful outcome by any measure.

Ashes To Ashes, Dust To…

Pringles? Shockingly, they are suing.

Marcelle Lieberman says she visited the niche that July and her sister visited in fall 2003.
The daughters say they returned to the mausoleum together on June 10, 2004, their father’s birthday, and discovered the potato chip can in their mother’s niche.

And then they commited their mistake:

A locksmith opened the niche and Houston police took custody of the can, which still contained potato chips.

But times are tough at the Houston headquarters…

Wiping his mouth with his sleave, Officer John Garcia of the Houston Police Deptartment said that, unfortunately, “We can’t seem to locate the evidence in this case. Anybody have a quarter I can borrow for the soda machine?”

Friday’s ‘Words to Live By’

“If you have a cat, or a dog for that matter, be careful where they urinate,” Oyabu said. “Especially keep them away from electrical appliances and wires.”

Oh, those wacky Japanese and their feline arsonistas.

My Roof…

…still has a lovely blue tinge to it, accented by bold, white FEMA letters. We’d figured ‘Gert’ would be our storm, as we tend to get schmacked by the more…um…colorfully named low pressure systems (Fran, Bertha, Ivan), but here’s my damn alert radio, warbling away already about T.S. Arlene. I knew the current track had us in the pipe, five by five, but hadn’t expected the coastal flood warning flags to go up so quickly. However, since most of our coastal is now ghostal thanks to Ivan, I guess prudence is the better form of valor. Nobody ’round these parts needs three foot extra of anything right now, less mind high tide.

Great Leaping Labs!!

And I really meanleaping lab‘ but didn’t have room to fit the ‘…with the heart of a LION.

The cops had to fire so many shots to stop the lunging pit bull, the gunpowder set off an overhead smoke detector.
Still, the dog didn’t die.
But she wasn’t the toughest dog on the block. That title belongs to Maya, a 74-pound black Lab who took on India, the 120-pound pit bull who was mauling a sixth-grader on the Northwest Side.
Now 5-year-old Maya is being hailed as a hero — a selfless pooch who rushed out of her home to save a stranger and has a scarred body to prove it…
…As soon as their front door opened, Maya blew by, knocking the Montiels over “like bowling pins,” she said. Montiel went down and Michael hit a wall.
Maya bounded down all eight stairs of her front porch in one leap, aimed for the pit bull and bit.

Swill Salute: to Robin Roberts for Maya’s heroic TOP DOG Story.

Guys Like My Buddy Qiu…

Give online gaming a bad name:

Shanghai Number 2 Intermediate People’s Court gave online gamer Qiu Chengwei the death sentence with a two-year reprieve after he slew another player, Zhu Caoyuan, last October, according to a report published Wednesday in the official newspaper China Daily.

The pair had argued over ownership of a virtual sword that Qiu and another player had won in the online game “Legend of Mir III.” Qiu loaned the item to Zhu, but Zhu then sold it for 7,200 renminbi (around US$870). When Qiu tried to involve the police in recovering the item or the money, he was told that such virtual items are not protected by Chinese property laws. After Zhu refused to return the item or pay compensation, Qiu went to his home and stabbed him in the heart, according to the report.

The lesson here is that you should not loan out virtual items.
I think.
Or get a friggin’ life.
*Update: I would have offered Zhu some of my Nigerian Oil/Diamond/Gold Winnings to help pay off his debt to Qiu…

Hollywood Supported Kerry?

Who knew? If only those Tinsletownians, folks whose claim to fame is being able to recite words other people write, ah if only they’d let poor simple fools like me know where they stood in the election then of course I would have followed the lead of my betters. But alas, I and 62,040,605 of my fellow bovines were left to fend for ourselves and, well, we all know how that turned out.

Blow Up A Synagogue?

No Biggie.
But rip a page in a book? You horrid beasts!

Hey, We Do Have Standards, After All…

The Watchful Babbler notes the story of the fellow who came to the US border with Canada carrying a bloody chainsaw…and was let in to the US. He then notes (well, actually, he notes before quoting the story)

So, Cat Stevens’ plane is forced to turn away before entering American airspace, but Customs lets in a guy carrying a bloody chainsaw?

I feel compelled to point out that this fellow harmed one head with his chainsaw, while Cat Stevens has damaged millions with his guitar.

Bring Out Your Dead…

CUSTOMER: Here’s one — nine pence.
DEAD PERSON: I’m not dead!!

Zimbabwe’s president denies he’s dead
‘When did I die and where?’ Mugabe, 81, reportedly asks aide
HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe denied rumors that he died of heart failure last week, the official Herald newspaper reported on Tuesday.

DEAD PERSON: I don’t want to go on the cart!
CUSTOMER: Oh, don’t be such a baby.

BMW Films…

are viewable here.
And yes, I do think Clive should be the nexy Bond.
Pardon me while I go peddle what I can to save for a used M5….

Sheeee’s Baaaaack!

Just when it seemed like Hill was staking out Bill’s Middle-of-the-Road turf she needed to hit the ATM:

“There has never been an administration, I don’t believe in our history, more intent upon consolidating and abusing power to further their own agenda,” Mrs. Clinton told the audience at a “Women for Hillary” gathering in Midtown Manhattan this morning.
“I know it’s frustrating for many of you; it’s frustrating for me: Why can’t the Democrats do more to stop them?” she continued to growing applause and cheers. “I can tell you this: It’s very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they’re doing. It is very hard to tell people that they are making decisions that will undermine our checks and balances and constitutional system of government who don’t care. It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth.”

I guess she feels secure that as the Democratic Hawk (Ha!) in the Senate she can take up some of Howard Dean’s mantra.
I loved this little bit at the end, though:

On a brighter note, she said, Democrats appear to have all but “stopped” President Bush’s “scheme” to overhaul Social Security. But she decried his fiscal policies, particularly Republican-backed tax cuts, saying they were ballooning the deficit and ceding “fiscal sovereignty” to countries like China (as opposed to ceding your technology, eh Hill? – ed.), which are harder to influence when they become “your banker.”

If there’s anybody who has experience with the Chinese as their personal banker, it’s the Clintons.

A New Meaning For “Trouser Trout”…

Well, at least she didn’t have crabs.
Did Tim order sushi?

Read more »

Homeless Vets

The Watchful Babbler has a post up about the emergence of homeless GWOT vets. I certainly agree that we owe these folks a lot and should do all we can to help all of our veterans, but I can’t help but wonder about the veracity of some of these claims. Given what we know about manpower shortages and how tours of duty are being extended, it just doesn’t make sense that there would be too many folks in this state quite yet (the article does state that national advocates have seen only “about 70” homeless so far). Unfortunately, with our laws being what they are, if someone is mentally ill enough that they ‘want’ to be homeless there’s nothing that can be done about it, so any furor about the government “not doing enough” to help these poor folks is 90% posturing. While I certainly will donate to the charities Babs highlights, the fascist theocrat humanitarian in me wishes more there was a way to ensure that the people who needed mental help got it.


Major Dad sent this over with a note from his XO that said:
“Apparently, I was born a few years too late…or maybe this is a Taliban publication…”

Ward’s Back!

A fantastic post by the Rocky Mountain News on my bud Ward Churchill that really lays out what a ‘scholar’ he is. From the looks of it the RMN has done a lot more research than Ward ever did…
Thanks to David Kopel at Volokh for the pointer.

Hey! Nice Pants!

Rory Sabbatini is a god.

DUBLIN, Ohio, June 4 – Rory Sabbatini can hear the muffled chatter that follows him through 18 holes of golf. “Nice pants,” someone will say from the gallery, nodding at Sabbatini’s camouflage pants dotted black, brown and green. “Be all you can be,” another will say.
Sometimes, Sabbatini says thank you. Sometimes, he says nothing. But every Thursday of every PGA Tour event that he plays in, he wears the pants to promote awareness of the families of men and women in the United States military killed in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
For every birdie Sabbatini makes this season, he is donating $250 to a charity called the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund, to raise money for families in need. For every eagle, he donates $1,000.
Later this year, he will auction off the pants and donate that money to the charity…
…One of the Tour’s longest hitters, Sabbatini is starting to crack the leader board this season after missing the cut in 7 of 11 starts to open the year.

Dude, you’re already on the leaderboard for good, in my book. Thanks.

OH, Holy Schamoly, I CAN’T WAIT !!!

Watch the Xtra Large trailer and make sure you crank that sucker up.

Stands Alone, No Explanations Needed

When possessing India’s entire war plans didn’t help
Pakistan lost the 1965 war despite knowing India’s war plans
Mr Gohar Ayub Khan has lobbed a ‘bombshell’ across the border. He has revealed that his father, Pakistan’s first military dictator Field Marshal Ayub Khan, pulled off an intelligence coup in before the 1965 war with India, when he purchased the Indian Army’s war plans for a mere Rs 20,000.
He alleges that an Indian brigadier sold away India’s military secrets in order to indulge his wife’s expensive hobby of ‘canning fruits and vegetables’.

See what happens when you let women drive? Then they wanna start canning vegetables, ruin the country, perpetuating a cycle of despair.
Swill Salute to Rob at Crab Apple Lane.

Spot on…

Daddy, Whats a GULAG?
Well children, gather ‘round while I tell you a bedtime story of what a “gulag” is.
Once Upon a Time, there was a group of people who lived in a far away land called the “Soviet Union” the people that lived in this fairy tale land were called “ Communists”. Communists were very odd people indeed as they didn’t have castles and palaces, oh no children in fact in the land of communists, Palaces and Castles of all types were forbidden. And to make sure they were forbidden, the leaders of the communists confiscated the very best castles and palaces for their own use, lest their corrupting influences of wealth escape into the general populace.

Frank nails it. Just read the rest, already…..

Bingley’s Gone…

…for the rest of the afternoon. Just me ‘n ‘Sader to mind the store.

What to do, what to do…

Who’s Our Generation’s Marilyn?

Whatever you do, DON’T check out this slideshow from MSNBC.com for the answer. Whoever put it together is on crack and should be slathered in foul substances.

“I Pray Allah Will Freeze Your Blood”

Taking text messaging to new heights, a well wisher sends his regards to the phone of Mohammad al-Zulfa in response to his suggestion that his fellow legislators “think – just think – about studying the possibility of allowing women – not all of them, just some – to drive.” (Okay, so he’s not the most popular guy in Riyadh now. But bless his little pointy head, he tried.) There are those who disagree with him, apparently.

Conservatives, who believe women should be shielded from strange men, say women in the driver’s seat will be free to leave home alone and go when and where they please; to unduly expose their eyes while driving; to interact with strange men such as traffic cops and mechanics.

MeCHANICS ??? BASTARDS !! Having posted numerous times on the strangeness, perfidy and lounge-lizardoid quality of Marine Corps aircraft mechanics, I can only imagine the horrors associated with Arab…’mechanics’ (Pffft, PiTU!! You kiss your mother with that mouth??).

“Driving by women leads to eee-ville*,” Munir al-Shahrani wrote in a letter to the Al-Watan daily.

And credit card statements, french fry wrappers on the carpet, empty Dasani bottles, sh*t. Just a frickin’ mess. Hell NO, no Sheik worth his salt mine should be subjected to that!

“Can you imagine what it would be like if her car broke down? She would have to seek help from men.”

We all know what it’s like, seeking help from men. Just getting the toilet seat down on a regular basis is Homeric. Fix the thing yourself, sister. That black burqua hides grease stains like a mo-fo.

*Okay, okay, he didn’t say it exactly like that. Pretend I’m writing for Newsweek.

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