Nobel Laureate Says World Must Abandon Nuclear Weapons


“We are in a race against time,” the 63-year-old Egyptian chief U.N. nuclear inspector Mohamed ElBaradei said about efforts to keep nuclear weapons away from terrorists. “Imagine that the only nuclear weapons remaining are the relics in our museums. Imagine the legacy we could leave to our children,” he said.
“It would also be nice if I could score some Yankees’ tickets. And a date with Anna Nicole Smith would be nice,” he added.
As ElBaradei received his peace award, Iran’s top nuclear official said his country would enrich uranium and produce nuclear fuel, despite an international drive to curb such efforts. Enolagayzee Aghazadeh, head of the Happy Atomic Organization of Iran, did not say when the processes would begin. Enolagayzee denies Iran’s nuclear program is aimed at developing weapons, but rather devices he refered to as “Kool Kafir Kleaners,” adding that the cleaning would be “da bomb.”

My Latest Toy

I bought an Airport Express. What’s neat is, while it will serve as a wirelessnetwork point (and that’s mainly what it’s designed for), it will also allow you to stream music via iTunes from your computer to your stereo over your hardwired LAN if you don’t have or want a wireless network. And I don’t particularly want to go wireless at this point, as there are too many computer-saavy High Schoolers in my neighborhood who would love to infiltrate my bandwidth. Via the Airport Utility control panel you can turn down the signal strength to basically nothing, and then designate “Living Room” as one of the laces you want the music to play…

…through the stereo on the other side of the house! You can see in the top picture the CAT-5 cable coming out of the bottom of it, and that grey little glob at the front is the cable going from the jack into some spare RCA imputs on the receiver. The sound quality is much better than when I would connect the iPod to the receiver.
Yeah, I’m a goober.

Hey Bill, STFU

Did any former President ever do any such thing to him while he was in office? What a classless piece of crap attention whore this guy is:

MONTREAL – Former President Clinton told a global audience of diplomats, environmentalists and others Friday that the Bush administration is “flat wrong” in claiming that reducing greenhouse gas emissions to fight global warming would damage the U.S. economy…Canadian officials said the U.S. delegation was displeased with the last-minute scheduling of the Clinton speech.

Clinton, a champion of the Kyoto Protocol, the existing emissions- controls agreement opposed by the Bush administration, spoke in the final hours of a two-week U.N. climate conference at which Washington has come under heavy criticism for its stand.

Yes, the same Clinton who was in office when the US Senate voted 95-0 against the terms that were being proposed under what became known as Kyoto, the same Clinto who never submitted the Treaty to the Senate because he knew it would go down in well deserved (and hopefully extremely bloody polluting) flames, yes this is the same fellow who now trys to shift all the blame for the US not being a party to this ‘treaty’ to Bush. What an ass.
Memo to Willy: You ain’t an elected official no more. STFU.

V-22: Flying Pork?

Here’s a troubling article on this expensive program:

In September 2005, the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor failed its second Operational Evaluation (OPEVAL); it failed its first one in 2000. However, a friend of the V-22 program wrote the OPEVAL report to hide these failures. The OPEVAL report was withheld from release until Sept. 27, 2005 when a Defense Department panel met and rubberstamped it for full production after no analysis of the OPEVAL report. This article shows how the V-22 failed OPEVAL the second time as well. Note that a KPP is a Key Performance Parameter. If an aircraft is unable to meet it’s KPPs, it is considered a failure. KPPs are not dreamed up by evil critics, but by Marine aviators who expect the aircraft to easily meet that minimal standard. The basic purpose of an OPEVAL is to verify that KPPs are demonstrated.

Not only is this troubling from a Porkbusting Budgeting standpoint, it is even more disturbing when one thinks of how many Marines are going to risk their lives in this thing.

You’ve Got To Love Rummy

Via Tim, this interview is a thing of beauty:

JIM LEHRER: Also, you told reporters this morning that, assuming the Dec. 15 elections in Iraq go well, that the U.S. can start drawing down forces. Tell me what you mean and give us some numbers on this.
DONALD RUMSFELD: I think what you meant to say, Jim, was that you read reports that I said that to reporters, as opposed to what I actually said…
…JIM LEHRER: All right, now the figure that was mentioned in the story that I was reading from or quoting from said you used the figure, somebody used the figure in the discussion with you early today of 137,000 — I mean 130,000 maybe shortly after the 137,000 — no?
DONALD RUMSFELD: I said nothing like that.

Read it all. It’s a beautiful schmackdown after schmackdown.

The Best Year For Music?

In comments below, Ken talks of how he basically listens to nothing released after 1975. That led me to think about what year I would say was the best ever for music, at least in my lifetime. I’ve thought on this before, and I keep returning to…

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A$$ of the Day

Words fail me.

Heroin: A Canadian Right

There is so much wrong in this article:

Health authorities in Canada’s westernmost province want to make the country’s first test facility for heroin injection permanent and are considering opening additional clinics to meet the huge demand. The Vancouver facility was set up in 2003, against US opposition, as a three-year experiment exempt from Canadian drug laws….
…Addicts bring in drugs purchased illegally on the street, and self-inject them under medical supervision. There are onsite emergency services in case of overdose and staff nurses and counselors to provide health care and referrals to rehabilitation facilities.

Now, here’s a shock: they’re doing a booming business. You know, if I opened up a bar that only catered to kids under 21, because, you know, they need a place where they can safely get plastered, I bet you I’d do a bang-up business as well.

The United States also opposes a new experiment in Vancouver to give addicts free prescription heroin in hopes of reducing property crimes to feed their habit.

Sounds like a brilliant plan to me. I’d like to extend it further: let’s simply drug all criminals, all the time. Let them stumble and bumble about in La-La Land. For the Government to supply heroin to every person convicted of any crime in the US would surely be cheaper thaan the costs of the prison system. Hell, let’s shift all farm subsidies to opium production. As a bonus, think of all the great poetry that would be written by these modern-day Byrons!

Ironically, the success of Vancouvers supervised heroin use site led to another controversy this month, as Vancouver police launched a crackdown on public drug use. For years police have turned a blind eye in some areas to thousands of addicts shooting up on sidewalks, streets and in public buildings such as libraries, and leaving behind used syringes. Police now say because addicts can use the supervised facility, they will be stopped from injecting in public. “The police recognize drug addiction as a health issue… but police must step in when the addicts’ activities interfere with other people’s lives,” police said in a statement. “Children should be able to use (park playground) swings and not have to worry about pricking themselves with needles buried in the sand,” said police Inspector Bob Rolls.

Which is why we need to make those kids addicts too!

Advocates for drug users protested that the police crackdown is cruel because the clinic can only serve a minority of drug users. “It’s just a really destructive thing,” said Ann Livingston of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users. She notes that the supervised site can handle just 800 of 15,000 heroin injections daily, and staff are prohibited from physically injecting addicts or letting other addicts inject incapacitated users.

Yes, it’s so cruel. Perhaps if we got the Police addicted they’d be more sympathetic…

There’s also no place for addicts who smoke cocaine, said Livingston.

That’s the last straw! Rise up, oppressed users! And what about those who snort cocaine? Where are there government-supplied mirrors and clean razors, hmmm?
No wonder they call it The Great White North…
I need a drink.

Mr. “I-Found-Titanic-First”…

is awfully cranky when someone else goes swimming around his ship:

Explorer Robert Ballard found the bulk of the wreck in 1985, at a depth of 13,000 feet and about 380 miles southeast of Newfoundland. Ballard was not impressed with the expedition’s find.
“They found a fragment, big deal,” Ballard said. “Am I surprised? No. When you go down there, there’s stuff all over the place. It hit an iceberg and it sank. Get over it.”

Cat fight!

Fancy Pop Gun Cancelled

Via Bill.
I guess they realized it wasn’t worth spending billions (more) on a gun that won’t stop a bad guy with one round.
UPDATE: Here is a great article on the whole process, on pages 26-29

Coffee Is Health Food!

I always knew it:

Coffee and tea may reduce the risk of serious liver damage in people who drink alcohol too much, are overweight, or have too much iron in the blood, researchers reported on Sunday.



What a wonderful, gorgeous thing to wake up to this morning!!!

Hurricane Epsilon

Sounds more like something on a Star Trek episode.

Ken’s Mystery Trip Revealed

So how’d you like Houston?

So Ken Read A New Book…

Ken had just finished reading the book “MAN OF THE HOUSE”.
He stormed into the kitchen and walked directly up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face he said “From now on I want you to know I am the man of this house, and my word is law ! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you are going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I’m finished with my bath, guess who’s going to dress me and comb my hair?”
His wife replied…

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Er, I’m Supposed To Want This Guy To Live?

#999 isn’t quite the poster boy for the anti-death penalty folks that they wanted:

Hicks offered a tearful apology for the 1985 murders in an interview earlier this month with Ohio Parole Board members, and said he loved both victims — 56-year-old Maxine Armstrong and 5-year-old Brandy Green. He detailed the killings and said his cocaine high made him desperate and paranoid.
Hicks had traded his VCR for about $50 worth of cocaine, court records show. After taking the drugs, he realized that he needed to get the VCR back before his wife wondered where it was, so he decided to steal money from Armstrong.
Hicks found his stepdaughter asleep on the couch at Armstrong’s apartment. He woke her and brought her to bed and then strangled Armstrong, first with his hands and then with a clothesline.
He left her apartment with about $300 and some credit cards. He used some of the money to buy back his VCR and purchase more cocaine.
Realizing Green could identify him as the last person at the apartment, he returned and attempted to suffocate the 5-year-old with a pillow then strangle her with his hands. She struggled, and Hicks covered her mouth and nose with duct tape.

I think a bunch of folks are happy he’s no longer around.

Hmm, Maybe Insta’s Blender Broke Over Thanksgiving?

This isn’t his usual method…

“Only America Has Riots”

Meanwhile out in Planet Europe, in the Goofball Nebula, French Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin (who is a man) spoke to CNN:

Amanpour: You know, many people, after hurricane Katrina struck the United States said, that it exposed the poverty and racism that exist in the United States. Many people in France said that … around the world said it. Many people also said that the riots in the ghettos if you like… in the suburbs …
De Villepin: I am not sure you can call them riots. It’s very different from the situation you have known in 1992 in L.A. for example. You had at that time 54 people that died, and you had 2,000 people wounded. In France during the 2 weeks period of unrest, nobody died in France. So, I think you can’t compare this social unrest with any kind of riots.
Amanpour: What do you call it then?
De Villepin: Social unrest, you have to understand also, there were no guns in the streets. No adults; mostly young people between 12 and 20 … so it is very special movement.

I have “very special movements” after too many bean burritos; 9000 car-b-ques seems to deserve a tad stronger language, n’est c’est pas?
Read the rest if you have a strong stomach, both for Amanpoop’s innane leading questions and Dominique’s (who is a man) EuroTurd answers.

Wine For Thanksgiving

Since it will really only be me and my bride imbibing, I think this should do…but I’ve got enough bottles in reserve in case I miscalculated.

From Dubya’s Table To Yours

May you and yours have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for, and please keep our troops in mind on this and every day.

“X” Marks The Veep

You really can’t make this stuff up.
It’s as if CNN is trying to become SNL.
More from Drudge.
Update: Evan Coyne Maloney says

A number of conservative bloggers are criticizing CNN under the assumption that the glitch (or not-glitch) was both deliberate and an example of political bias.
Sorry guys, I don’t see it. I recognize the possibility, but I also recognize a much larger number of possibilities for actual glitches in video production….
…Maybe CNN should get the benefit of the doubt. There’s an old saying: Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence. Given CNN’s recent performance in the marketplace, that statement seems apt.

I’m not convinced. It seems a little too convenient, does it not, that this ‘glitch’ appears only on Cheney? Anyone else in all the thousands of live feeds and transitions done by CNN over the years ever have the same sort of glitch?

I’d Have Let Her Open It…

BRISBANE, Australia (AP) — A French woman who is terrified of flying admitted in an Australian court Monday that she drunkenly tried to open an airplane door mid-flight to smoke a cigarette…
…She walked toward one of the aircraft’s emergency exits with an unlit cigarette and a lighter in her hand and began tampering with the door, prosecutors said. But a flight attendant intervened and took Sellies back to her seat.

Heck, had they let her go we would have had a good Darwin Award candidate.

2b? Nt2b? ???

Somehow, it just does have the ring of when Shakespeare wrote it, which I guess is not surprising, as it comes from the goobers at a company called Dot Mobile:

Dot mobile, a British mobile phone service aimed at students, says it plans to condense classic works of literature into SMS text messages.

I suppose that they think this will ‘help’ idjit students who haven’t done their assignations cheat recall plot facts during tests. Somehow I can’t imagine instructors who notice 25 kids hunched over their cell phones during an exam not getting a wee bit suspicious.
I reckon the bride’s job is still secure for a little while.

Just Because Something Can Be Done…

Doesn’t mean it should be:

Jones Soda, the Seattle company that scored a hit during the last two holiday seasons with its turkey-and-gravy-flavored sodas, said it is offering the orange-hued fish-flavored drink this year in a nod to the Pacific Northwest’s salmon catch.
“When you smell it, it’s got that smoked salmon aroma,” said Peter van Stolk, chief executive of Jones Soda.

And it carries this ringing endorsement from the company’s chief executive:

…van Stolk said: “I cannot finish a bottle, I just can’t.”

I must say it is worth supporting a company with such candor…

Yippee! I Get To Buy A New Appliance!!!

Our dishwasher has died. Well, to be more precise, we’ve decided that something of its vintage is not worth sinking $300 into to repair.
My heartfelt suggestion to my bride that it wouold be very theraputic for her, in order to releave the stress and tension of her days, what with all the student problems and disappointments, to do the dishes by hand for a few weeks was surprisingly not well received; I’m constantly amazed how women mis-interpret men’s compassionate and concerned suggestions in such a manner.
Anyhow, we scoped out a hot little Kitchenaid beauty dressed demurely in black last night, so soon she shall be ours!

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